teddies had a temperature since about 12 midnight friday..its been under 38 so i havent been to concerned just been giving him calpol and ibuprofen, last night at about 12 midnight just as we were setteling down to sleep his temp flaired up again.. so i gave him both calpol and ibuprofen as he had gone over 4 hours for both (in hindsight i should have just been giving him either as soon as the time had gone by) i brought him downstairs and sat with the window open to cool the room right down and hes been in just a vest since fri anyways. he wasnt crying or anything just sitting red faced on my lap smiling at me.. when... out of his gummy little trap i see a top and bottom peggyweggy looking like they might be making an apperance soonish..hes not even 4 months yet! im sure charl didnt cut a tooth till she was bout 7 months!