after giving birth.......


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2007
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if you have a natural birth how long is it before you are well enough to go out, just for a walk or to the shops?

how long do u bleed and is it heavy? r u very sore after?

i no every1 is different but just want a rough idea xx
i was sore for maybe 2 days. enough to stop me doing much. but they i just felt achey so i could go to shops etc.

I bled for about 6 weeks, but first 5 days are really heavy, im talking changing pad every hour
it does depend very much on individual cases, with my second i went for a walk the next day with my son 11months and a new born baby i had them in a large double pushchair and believe me my midwife had a fit when she found out.
With this one i am going to try to take it easy for a bit longer but i find it very hard doing nothing so will probably be out and about as quick as i can depending on how the birth goes.
I would recomend you take it easy while you can :wink:
I didn't do too much the evening I had the baby but was certainly able to walk around the house (albeit a bit gingerly!). I was prepared to walk down to town a few days later (we live at the top of a big hill!) but the mw advised against as at that time, where I was still recovering, there was a real risk of haemorraging.
I remember finding it very difficult to walk due to bruising for about 3 days and wasn't able to do much at all. I was also extremely breathless whenever I tried to walk even the shortest distance (like someone was sat on my chest) but even though I kept telling the MW's this at the time, no one could explain what it was to me. I bled for about 6 weeks but only really heavily in about the first week or so.
I had a pretty crappy experience, was bed bound for 2 days after and got out of hospital 3 days after Becky was born. I had a hugely bruised back and a 2nd degree tear. The day I got home I was exhausted but still found the motivation to make the walk to Tesco along the road from me to buy some chocolate :rotfl: .

I cleaned the house the next day but paid for it the day after. The following week I felt good (though on MW's advice took it easy) albeit a bit sore from the stitches.

Almost 5 weeks on I'm still bleeding very slightly on and off.
i had to go out 12 hours after having him to take him to the hospital and walking wasnt too bad just needed to take it very slow, i went to the shops 3 days later that was much better still toke ages though,
as for the bleeding mine was heavy for 2 days then got lighter barly anything at all now 8 days later. the soreness is annoying though i only had a small cut and 2 grazes but they rubbed and it just generaly felt sore and uncomfy
manda xx
thanks for the replies girls

im more sacred of after than the actual birth!!!!

a bit personal bit how did u all find going for a wee as im really scared about this after :cry:
Weeing isn't a prob!! As I had my baby at home I had a bath after the birth and was told to wee in the warm water which stops the stinging. Pooing was a little more of an issue as I ended up with piles from pushing :oops:

In the days after you give birth, your MWs go through a checklist...weeing,pooing etc.

After the birth (and even now, 6 months on) I still get an achy pelvis like I did during pregnancy esp if I've walked a fair distance. Think it's because I'm still BFing and got relaxin in my system.
jools02 said:
I remember finding it very difficult to walk due to bruising for about 3 days and wasn't able to do much at all. I was also extremely breathless whenever I tried to walk even the shortest distance (like someone was sat on my chest) but even though I kept telling the MW's this at the time, no one could explain what it was to me. I bled for about 6 weeks but only really heavily in about the first week or so.

i had that breathless thing aswell..i felt like there was a heavy weight above my boobs and felt breathless..

it does depend person to person so i'd say wait and see..but only go out when you feel ready to. i actually didn't go out for 9 days but i was taken back to hospital and put on strong antibiotics for an infection.
if it weren't for that i might have been ready quicker.
you know your body best and you'll know when you feel up to it!
BeckyJ said:
thanks for the replies girls

im more sacred of after than the actual birth!!!!

a bit personal bit how did u all find going for a wee as im really scared about this after :cry:

Don't worry about it I had a tear and it wasn't bad at all , just a bit of a sting that went away quickly. I was more worried about going for a poo and that wasn't bad either. I was so pleased I was telling everyone :rotfl: .

It's a good idea to go pee as soon as you need... the woman in the bed next to me was so scared to go she ended up not being able to pee and needed a catheter put in. She was a bit embarassed but told me all about it nonetheless!
I was very lucky as I had a fairly easy (can you ever call a labour easy??? :shock: ) labour, no tears or anything. We were out and about the following day I gave birth and built it up from there. Two weeks after birth I was back to my usual walking routine.

Having said that, if I am lucky enough to have another child I would actually avoid going out witht the baby in the first couple of days. Not because of me but because of the baby. I feel that our princess got a little over stimulated in the first week as I went out every day, some times twice! No wonder she was a little unsettled in the evenings!

I bled more heavily for two weeks but I still have some discharge after four weeks.

I found peeing a little uncomfortable for the first few days. Not to mention that I once couldn't hold myself - luckily I was at home! Pooing was definitely more of an issue as it felt as if I was pushing another baby out (without the pain)...
With all mine i went out up the town the day after giving birth :D
sarah113 said:
With all mine i went out up the town the day after giving birth :D

Me too walked round town showing off my bundle for hours but was very lucky and had no tearing or the like. No probs with peeing it was more the thought than the pain and I too had the advice if it hurts pee in the bath before you are about to get out this helps
I had tearing etc after I had lil miss... and was discharged from the hospital after 72hours and had to drive less than two hours after that back and forth to the hospital every 2 hours because lil miss was in SCBU and I had to come back and boobie feed her.... It was hard because I tore my stitches with all the running around and they were quite painful :cry: But I was basically back to normal.

Same with Tia too.... and I lost 4pts of blood and had to have a major transfusion and surgery after but my ex was so useless and unhelpful that I didn't have a choice... :roll:
BeckyJ said:
if you have a natural birth how long is it before you are well enough to go out, just for a walk or to the shops?

how long do u bleed and is it heavy? r u very sore after?

i no every1 is different but just want a rough idea xx

I had Galen on the Saturday morning, went out for a short walk on the Sunday, bit further on the Monday, ditto Tuesday, all the way down our drive and back (half a mile each way) on Wednesday and stomped off round a 10 acre hilly field with the dog today :)

That was with about 20 stitches and a bit of poor bladder control ;)

Bleeding wise I had very little after delivery. Mostly on the Saturday. MW says its because I didn't have the jab to deliver the placenta (apparently the jab helps stop bleeding so much inititally but a few days later bleeding can come back a bit heavy again), let the umblical cord stop pulsing before clamping and cutting and am breastfeeding so its causing my uterus to clamp down etc and do its job.

And yes, I am sore, but tbh, it was mostly numb the first few days. Soreness kicked in as the stitches dry out, but I am having warm baths in lavender oil and popping Arnica pills. Its been really bearable today hence the field walk and was pretty good yesterday also :)

I didn't walk far the previous days more just due to tiredness and bladder issues than pain and bleeding.
i gave birth at 4.45pm and had a home birth so was just at home anyway, i pottered around the house a bit but i felt like i'd been beaten up. i felt a bit sore underneath i had to sit down very gently and i walked a bit like john wayne lol but most of the discomfort was my whole body, probably from all the energy i used during labour, must be like a workout x10000000000000000000000000000 lol.

the next morning at 10.30am we went to the hosp for the paediatritians to check the baby and on the way back went to mcdonalds then to visit my boyf's brother :lol: its fine i just felt a bit delicate no worse than after a heavy weekend clubbing!

the bleeding was just like a heavy period at first for a few days then like a normal period but lasted a few weeks
When I had Jamie I felt terrible for about a week after, stitches were sore, bruising was sore, piles, felt weak and exhausted.

This time round I was expecting the same, I had Charlie just before 5am and was back home just before 1pm and in town the next day shopping. I felt tired but not too sore.
I was in pain for a good couple of weeks afterwards, I had an episioteme and I lost a lot of blood and had to have a transfusion. It did hinder my recovery somewhat.

Everybody is different but I do think it's wise to take things easy in the days immediately after giving birth. It's a major thing for your body to go through.
I had Evie at 7.24 in the morning and walked out of the hospital at 2.30pm! I had a small labia tear but that was it.

I was achey for a couple of days but not so much that I couldn't walk. It took me about 5 days before I could go to the shops- but that was more because I was constipated and scared of going to the loo ( :oops: ) and it got a bit painful!

I bled quite heavily for a week but now (16 days later) the bleeding has nearly stopped- I get a little bit of bleeding if I don't take it easy though.

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