after all of that


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2010
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It was just muy stupid body playiing silly buggers
Af is here I think gone from browny spotting to more red! And I got af cramps so there we go a 33 day cycle :-(
Oh hun, I'm so so sorry it wasn't your BFP, big hugs & kezzamunster kisses on there way to you
You ok though?
Yeah I think I kinda knew it wasn't gonna be a bfp but when af is late you can't help it!
Question tho do I work with a 33 day cycle or do I keep on on the assumtion it was a fluke and cycle still 29 days
So sorry hunny :hugs:
Maybe santa just about to get his elfs to start wrapping that bfp ready for christmas x x

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Hear hear mummy2adam :)
That would just be the beaters Christmas ever for you MrsMc, you deserve it so much xxx
How long have you had the pinky stuff for?
I had that for 4 days :-( oooh I just went back to the hpt I did before I knew and I got a feint line pink and doesn't disappear under the light! Maybe there was a bean that didn't implant properly?!
Oo Oo Oo Oo how exciting is that, even if faint a line is a line isn't it?
Yeah but bleeding red blood not much is what happened last time so I am not even gonna think about it just take it as af
ah kezza dont be sad lol! OH just said "positive point" we can have baby making noogie on our anniversary now haha! lol bless him!
and i have so much positive stuff going on too, i am opening my own theatre school in january so am busy doing that. I guess TTC for so long shows u that you cant force your body to do what it doesnt want to do, am sure it will be pregnant when it wants not when i want! :D
You are just so lovely & deserve it so much, just wish I had a magic bast dust wand :)
That's fab there lots of good stuff going on & who knows, with that keeping you busy, your BFP may just come & bite you on the bum but am praying you get it for Christmas
Tis very true about our bodies though as much as we hate it eh
Hey Mrs Mc!

Sorry to her that Hun. :friends:

The witch has been a right bitch to us this month eh?? (AF in full flow for me this morning too!)

I'm glad your feeling positive though, that's the best way to be! :thumbup:

thanks kezza! hpe you get yours asap too :dust:
Maybe-i know i reckon they do it on purpose! :hug: i got the hpts this morning too boo u want them back? lol
all the luck in the world hunnin huge hugs & happy baby making lots of baby dust xxx
Thanks hun, well my cheapie ones didn't arrive yesterday & was no tests whatsoever in tesco.......pfft!!!!
Should arrive today so will do one tonight or as I'm up at 5am tomorrow will do with FMU so will keep you all posted
i have everything crossed for you...
hmmm bleeding only seems to be when i wipe..........................and not much now argh!
:hug:aaaawww hun I'm sorry - and it does not help when the witch plays games with you eh?

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