After a nerve racking few days in hospital.....


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2008
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Here i am!!

Iv only just been able to join here as worries and health issues held me back from making this step but im here now. Its wierd it feels like a real achievement being here.

Its been a sad time over the last few weeks in first and its really made me appreciate how important this step is.

So hi :wave:

I hope your all well and look forward to sharing experiences over the next few weeks with you all.

I'm sure i will have plenty of questions to keep you busy/entertained!

x x x x

sorry to hear you have had some sad times lately, hope all is well now. :hug:

Enjoy your stay in tri 2 before you know it you will be over to tri 3 :D

Em xx
Sorry to hear that things have been hard. Hope you can relax and bit more now and enjoy tri 2 :wave:
hi Keelie, its the girl who was also in portugal last week! just got back yesterday and am so depressed but luckily i havent had the type of scares you've been having lately! saying that, while on holiday i noticed that all my symptoms (namely bloating and wind!) completely left me, and as a result felt that my bump was smaller! im thinking now that its probably a change in diet thats responsible and nothing sinister! im glad that you finally got a scan to clear your mind and that all is well!
ps, did you notice how many other pregnant ladies there were on the beach over there? i felt completely normal! lol. i was thinking of going on the jeep safari but didnt think id be able to bear the heat either.

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