After a MC......Some Questions!!!


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2011
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Hi everyone,

I had a m/c on 13 Oct, and it felt right for us to ttc straight away. However, despite us 'trying', I'm pretty certain that I haven't conceived :( . I'm expecting my period in about a weeks time. I'm not very good with timing and working out when ovulation etc is, so I'm not really up to speed with my cycle, esp after my mc:doh:
When I conceived before, which sadly resulted in mc, it was about a week after my period :eh: I did'nt think this was even possible as it's not a fertile time of cycle ???
So I have a few concerns/questions I'm hoping some of you will beable to help with....

Do you always release an egg after a mc before you get next period?
How do I work out when I am ovulating? (I usually keep an eye on discharge, but that defo hasnt worked for me!!)
How could I have produced an egg a week after my period? (which I must have!!)

Sorry if I sound silly, but I'm feeling kinda lost with all this!!!!


Different women ovulate at different times in the month. Me for example, I don't ovulate until CD17 or 18 (2 weeks after af has actually stopped) but some people ovulate early.
It is possible that you're an early ovulator, and even though you dtd 7 days after your period, you might have ovulated on say CD12, which is perfectly normal for some people. It would have fallen on your fertile window and been perfect timing.

Best thing to do is start tracking with opks, you can get them cheaply on amazon or ebay xx
After a miscarriage it can take a month or two for your cycles to return to normal.

Am not sure if you would ovulate so soon after a miscarriage you might & you might not, they usally say to wait at least 2mths before ttc again, so that your cycles return back to normal. If you have a 28 day cycle then you would ovulate between cycle day 12 to 14 so if you are sure you ovulated the week after your bleed then you must of had a 26 day cycle which would bring your ovulation day to cycle day 10.

Using ovulation tests is the best way to know when you are fertile, & around your fertile phase you can get ewcm egg white cm which is clear stretchy mucas. Sorry to hear about your loss, hope you get your sticky bfp very soon. x

thanks, thats a great help :) I will order some opks now!!! :):) xx
Hope u r ok. Ur MC is very recent. Big hugs thru this difficult time.
After my MCs its taken maybe 1/2 AFs b4 ive got preg.
Ur body and hormones need to settle down agen.

I was told its about 6 weeks after a MC that best to try again altho im no doctor so i dont know how true this is and i think we're all diff.
Its just frustrating hun.

Good Luck in TTC xxxx

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