AF symptoms, PG symptoms - pah!


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2010
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Hey lovely ladies!

Just thought I'd rant out loud, as have been in my head all evening!!

I just hate how pg symptoms are similar to af symptoms, its so annoying! This is our first month of ttc. If my cycle is the same as last month, then I'm due on tomorrow. I know af is coming, I can feel it - the lower cramps every so often - lovely. BUT I feel dead queezy at the mo. I've also had yellow wee, twinges here and there, sore bbs, tiredness. BUT...i always get sore boobs a week before AF, I'm prob dehydrated (hence the yellow wee!), tired cause of work and staying up to watch big brother, lol.

Rant over! I wonder if you do just know when you are pg. I have thought I might be when I was still on the pill let alone off it, so know I'm not. Oh and now I'm convinced one of my nipples is bigger than the other - not that that's a pg sign! lol.

As for cm (if that's the right lingo!), today my knicks were a tad yellow. Everytime I go to the loo I'm waiting for the wipe and af. Moan moan moan.

I think it's quite possible to drive yourself mad with this ttc malarky. I did an ebay cheapster on Tuesday and nothing. The clearest one line ever and not a smidge of anything else.

Over and out :lol:

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I convince myself that I'm pg every month lol! :-) Brain loved to play nasty tricks on us.
Fingers crossed you'll get lucky first time trying Xx
With my 1st pregnancy i didn't have a clue i was pregnant until i was 9 weeks gone and that was only coz the dad insisted i took a test coz i didn't seem 'right'

The other 2 i just knew but thats coz i already knew what it felt like iykwim. But some woman do seem to just know.

One symptom that isn't like af is like a cold/fluey feeling, kinda run down and off. Its hard to explain. xx
Bead - thanks love. It would be great, but I can feel that ol af brewing! lol. fx for you this

Toonlass - thanks for the info. I can't say I've felt fluey really. What does iykwim stand for? I guess once you've had one, you know what to expect. Like af's in a sense! Just know that feeling!

I think if there was any chance, that cheapo pos would have had a smidge of something, but it was as clear as day.

Laura Anne, I know. It's so horrendous that they are so similar, on a totally different note, how good is big brother this year???? Did u see the flooding the other night? Haha
Ha ha yes Toni, it was mad! I'm not sure who my favourite is. I'm going right off John James.x
Josie or Corin to win, yes, John James is a right plank now
Sorry, totally hi jacked thread, how are you feelin today Laura Anne x

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