AF pains at 2dpo??!!


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
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Afternoon my lovelies :wave:

Does anyone else suffer from af cramps as well as back ache this early? (2dpo) I would think its too early for af or pg symptons so what's going on? :think:
My last 2 cycles before this one, I had AF cramps everyday for the whole 2 weeks after ovulation. But I'd just come off the pill, so that might have been why. It is possible to have PMT for 2 weeks though.
I got them that early the first time in my life in July when i got my bfp- always always only get them a few days before af due or on the day i start. i never normally get much warning put it that way never mind like a fortnights lol.

hoping its a good sign andreaaa :dance:
Hi ANdreaa

I had cramps from 3DPO and im now 7DPO and their still here, quite strong along with back ache and bloated feelng
Thanks girls :hug: :hug:

Maybe it's a good sign then? Yay if it is :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :pray: :pray: :hug:
all together now " i must not symptom spot at 2dpo" :cheer:

:hug: can i just say 2dpo too i have backache and creamy cm where as i normally go dry after OV

"i must not symptom spot!!!" :roll: i'm doing it to help me girls!!
I'm glad you asked this question as, I think (or at least hope :pray: ) that I ovulated last Friday because I had some funny bloated and achey feelings and all last week I had lots of cm - more watery than stretchy, but lots of it, and since Sunday it has just gone and there is barely any.
But, the last few days I've had some period pains, not constant and not severe, but just occcasionally - I am hoping this is a good sign that I did ov and my period is now due in 2 weeks. Does that sound like I may have ov'd and AF is on it's way?
I am not trying to concieve or anything but I had period pains a couple of days ago, but I have very irregular and long cycles so it's difficult to say whether I ovulated during that time or not. And now i keep going to the toilet and I'm always bloated. Not sure what to think of this one :think:
we have been using protection on and off, and when we weren't, he withdrew himself (not the best method I know).
i had af pains yesterday at 5dpo and this morning, af better not come early :roll:
You symptom spotters you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Me too, guilty as sin :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Symptom spotting, me? Noooooo :fib: :rotfl:

Hope all these aches and pains mean a BFP for all of us this month :hug:

I now have achey boobs, headache, sore throat, tired and bloated :cheer: :cheer:
god mate you have the lot!! :D

i have no symptoms what so ever now
I had AF pains around the same time before i found put i was pregnant with Sam!
I also had headache and sore throat :wink:

I hope they are good signs :hug:

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