Advised not to dtd


Well-Known Member
Dec 10, 2012
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Just wondering if there is anyone else that is high risk and been advised not to have sex, because of risk of infection?

I had a thought yesterday, that if you used condoms, would that reduce the risk of infection anyway? Not sure if it works like that though?... It is a long time to avoid it, we haven't has sex since November now. If we're not allowed until after the birth it will be at least July before I'm ready I'd expect...

I'm not seeing the consultant again for a while so just thought I'd get some advice from people in the same boat!

Thank you
I'm on pelvic rest too due to placenta previa. My OH is delighted (yes, really) but I hate it, I really miss the intimacy. I'm not sure on the condoms but it certainly sounds worth asking.
Really? Is that because he's put off by you being pregnant? My DH isn't put off very easily, sadly lol
I'm sorry, that must be frustrating for you at times. Still, there's more to life eh? x
It is annoying as when we were first together he was rampant so I had no idea. It is probably the only thing I can complain about though as he is damn near perfect in every other way.
I'm not 100% sure but I think it's any kind of penetrative sex. Basically introducing anything to the vagina could increase a risk of infection.

It is a long time without sex but just think of other inventive ways of being intimate and satisfying each other without penetration.
There are a lot more bacteria lower down around the entrance of your vagina than there are around the cervix so penetration can push bacteria up, further inside. Sometimes women with strep b are advised not to have internal examinations during labour for this reason. During labour your cervix is open and even whebn sterile gloves are used it pushes bacteria up into your cervix. Normally during pregnancy it isnt an issue because the mucus plug does a great job at keeping bacteria out of your utterus. I'm assuming the doctors have a particular reason to think you are at more risk though?

I was advised to go on pelvic rest for 6 weeks my first pregnancy because of bleeding behind the placenta. In that case you cant have an orgasam even without penetration because it causes your utterus to contract. If infection is the only worry though I dont see why you couldnt try other things without penetration.
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