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Advice please??!!


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2005
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For the past few days now jamie had been a nightmare with feeding. He will drink a few ounces and after ive winded him he wont take any more.....pushes the bottle away, screams, pushes his belly up and straightens his legs out stiff. Its like hes in pain with really bad wind?? i thought maybe colic but i thought hes a bit old to develop this now??
Hes ok with solids but HV said formula is still the main source of nutrition so i have mixed his formula with a few meals, its just really frustrating that hes not taking the bottle very well?

Also hes not done very many runnyish pooes lately and i know he has been a little constipated but even after hes been he still wont take the bottle very well.

Someone please help!! its getting me down now! i feel like its my fault and ive done something wrong! :(

Im going to take him to the docs when i can get an appointment but wanted to ask you guys anyway to see if you have advice/gone through the same etc. Starting to worry that something is really wrong!?!

Also How many ounces a day should he be having??

Please help if you can!!!!!!

Steph x
hi steph as you know i have been having same but i changed hannah onto the fast flow teats and that has made a big inprovement she is having about 24 oz a day now
yes its frustrating isnt it, i tryed the fast flow but he gagged on them!! ive got avent size 3 at the mo so think they are medium ish flow?!

Think he may be teething as he is irriatable and biting everything although his cheeks arent red and his gums dont look sore??!!
hannah has just gone on to size 4 did gag at first but got used to them her gums did'nt look sore or any other signs but has got 2 teeth now so you never know
:shock: oh dear :shock:

because Naomi's anti reflux feed is thicker than normal it keeps blocking normal teats - and we had her on size 2 - but we use Avent size 3 for her Anti reflux because they let it through. And she's only six weeks old! :shock:

Have I done wrong???


have you tried variflow teats for the thickened milk? callums thickened milk wouldn't even go through the biggest size normal teat, but the crossflow teats opened as much as he needed. If you can't get hold of any, just use whatever size the gloop will fit through - normal milk flows too quickly with a big teat hole so they gag if they're not ready for it, but thickened milk wouldn't.

Hi steph, sounds like constipation. It would explain y he refuses feeds. xx
Thanks Missfit, i think you are right, he seems very constipated, ive been trying to get him to go all day but nothing has worked!! He hasnt been properly for a few days now, hes gone a little bit but its reallt thick! ive tryed diluted prune juice but i dont know how much got down him as he screwed his face up and spat most of it out!!

Getting water down him is a nightmare too! he really is a typical fussy man!!

Also is it ok to add extra water to the bottles for example 8 oz of water but 7 scoops of formula???
i`m not sure about adding extra water to milk, it says not too on the tin

try adding a pinch of sugar to his water and once he takes that u can reduce the sugar til is just pure water, thats what i did with danielle.
yes i was unsure about adding extra water as like you said it does say not too on the tin, although im sure ive heard people on here say that theyve done it??

Thanks for the advice honey! :D
i think its ok to add extra water to milk but not extra powder. it's only like giving them water between feeds isnt it?
HES POOED!!!!! WOOHOOOO!!!! LOL and just had a full bottle!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
YAY!! :D :D :D isn't it funny how when you become a mum you get so excited about poo!! Rubie just poo'd too so I was enjoying my own celebration when I came accross this lol :lol:

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