Advice please


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2007
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Hi all,

I'm really worried - yesterday I noticed tiny bits of blood when I wiped. There was about 3 specks, almost the same size as a mark a pen would make and it was red. I touched it (sorry!) and it wasn't that wet way you would imagine blood to me. My stomach is totally fine, but I don't know what may be happening. Any ideas? :think:
I haven't had this happen to me personally so I cannot really help in that way but I just wanted to say give your midwife or GP a call - they will probably be able to put your mind at rest straight away. Worrying is no good for you so do it now!! Good luck hun I think this is quite common some people get it all throughout pregnancy :hug:
Yes, everything OverTheMoon just said :)
Always better to get peace of mind, ring the MW or GP for advice and support xX
Very Best Wishes weenik :hug:

Im sure its nothing hun , if yoru worried ide talk to your mw/doc :hug:
Thanks girls, I was at work earlier and was really worried. Got home and got my doppler out and found the heartbeat almost straight away so I'm happier now! I'll wait to see if there's any more tomorrow and if there is I'll phone hospital x
hey hun, there is probably nothing to worry about.. i had some pink discharge about 15 weeks and she was fine...

but get checked out.. that's the best way to reassure you :hug:

don't worry
Hi Sweetie it's really common in pregnancy for small blood vessels to burst due to the extra blood flow, which is why we preggies get piles!!
It sounds like this has happned due to the small amount and no pain it's happened to me twice hope this helps Rachx
How are you feeling now? Any more spots? Could be that it's coming from the "other end" as it were.... or it might just be old blood.

It's great to hear the baby's heartbeat as reassurance though. That's a really good sign.

Do check it out with your MW or GP if you have any more spots - or any pains. :) It's ALWAYS better to be cautious.

Hi all,

No more spots - I phoned the MW and she said not to worry. I've got an appt on Thursday with her, so she said we'll check everything then. If anything else happens I've to call - just to be on the safe side.

Thanks for all your messages & showing that you care, it means a lot :hug:
i think its very unlikely ite anythin to worry about....if it was there would be a lot of blood and also you would most likely be getting cramping pain. i bled three times but all is ok!!

lisa xx
weenik said:
Hi all,
No more spots - I phoned the MW and she said not to worry. I've got an appt on Thursday with her, so she said we'll check everything then. If anything else happens I've to call - just to be on the safe side.
Thanks for all your messages & showing that you care, it means a lot :hug:

Glad you're feeling happier about things now and reasured weenik :hug: Always best to do what you need to to feel everything's well, and very best wishes for the future :)

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