Advice please on scans/Mid wife appts etc


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2008
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I recently posted on the "ask a mum" section as it was possible that I would be returning to the UK for a while (probably for a year), and received some great advice about the NHS procedures etc.

I just wanted to ask you all, how you got booked in for your first scan, and midwife appointment etc.....Im presuming through your doctor?

Im coming back to the UK on the 11th July, and going to spend some time at our house in Gloucestershire getting it ready for when we move back on a more permanent basis, but more importantly am hoping I can get sorted with a midwife etc, however I will be 11 weeks then, and worried that they might not be able to offer a scan, or midwifes app for some time - anyone have similar experience?

Im also hoping because I have lived outside of the UK for a year they will still let me have NHS healthcare, although still paying tax, council tax and have a house in the UK, and Im British - I cant seem to find anyone else whose been in this situation to ask!!

Worse case scenario Ill have my first scan done privately back in the UK to at least put my mind at ease!!

On a positive note I cant wait to tuck into indian, chinese, and fish & chip take aways!!!! I feel like I have been deprived for too long!!

Thanks everyone
you will be fine on the NHS note, i would phone your local (in England) doctors now and tell them your situation, you will need to make a midwife apt for as soon as you return i think, just to get the ball rolling. hope this helps. :D
You should have no problems with NHS. After uni I went travelling for nearly 3 years, came back and just slipped back into the usual British system, including NHS. You will still have your NHS number, so no problems. As for scans and mw appointments on the NHS, they will normally be organised through your GP so definitely get an appointment to register with them as soon as you come back. May be worth checking to see if you are still registered with your previous GP, if it is in the same area.
Thanks so much for the replies, Im going to call them this morning and try and sort it out, I still have my NHS number and National Insurance number, so hoping it wont be too much of an issue.

Im not sure whether to be totally upfront and honest (my preferred method) and explain I have been living in France, or just try and re-register with my old doctors, as we are going back to the same house.

Fingers crossed I can get it all sorted out smoothly!
hun you should still be registered with your gp unless you told them you were leaving the country i would just phone and make an appointment and not tell them anything xxx
Phew all sorted, I was honest and told them I had been living in France and there was no problem at all, she even registered me back with the doctors over the phone to allow the midwife to book a scan for me (should have an appointment waiting in the post when I get back)!

Feeling so much better now :D

Only slight issue is hubby is only back in the UK for a few days with me (he is not coming back for a couple of months permanently as still have things to sort out with house in France), and I dont want him to miss the scan!!

Do you think I could try and arrange the scan with the hospital myself????

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