Asking for advice


New Member
Feb 8, 2010
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Good morning to everyone,
Two days ago I took a pregnancy test at home and discovered that I am pregnant. I am a bit confused because my husband and I are relatively new in the UK (we're on relocation) and I am not quiet sure what my next steps should be. Should I contact the GP and ask for a blood test for pregnancy? What should be the next steps/
I would really appreciate any word of advice.
Thank you very much.
Welcome to the forums and congrats on your BFP!! I'm guessing that the first step would be your GP and then he'd sort you out with a blood test and midwifes appointment ect.

Hope you have a happy and healthy 9 months!

Hiya Congratulations on your pregnancy! :yay:

Yes if you telephone your GP surgery and explain that you have had a positive home pregnancy test and ask what the procedre is. Some places you just book a consultation with your GP and other places refer you straight to the midwife. You will then be contacted with an appointment for 'booking in' where the midwife will take your and your husbands medical history, check your blood pressure and urine and other basic health checks and give you some advice.

Where have you moved from? All the maternity care here is free so dont worry about insurance or anything. You'll automatically be sent appointment for hospital scans etc.. once you've informed your GP of your pregnancy.

Let us know how it goes.
Congratulations! I think tiny covered most things! Some surgeries differ - I went to see my GP when I tested positive but was basically told to just book an appointment with the midwife - the next time I went there was a sign up in the waiting room saying not to see the GP if you've just found out you're pregnant, hopefully it wasn't because the doctor thought I'd wasted his time lol! I swear it wasn't there before!
:wave: Hello!

If you're on relocation, do you have private medical insurance? (Sorry, used to work in the relocation business and I know that some companies provide certain packages for their employees, which makes things different in some cases)

If not, then as the girls said, make an appointment with your GP :)

Congratulations! :yay:

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