advice on me 17 month daughter


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2006
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ok dont know where to start really, well my little girl has started doing strange things, well its not strange, lets just say she started to get in touch with her front bum ( if you know what i mean) when i go shopping i put her in the trolley and she starts girating on the bar ( between her legs :oops: )she will do this all the way round asda, and is very red at the end of it hmmm :think: then at home she will lay on the floor and do some strange movements, or if anyone is sitting on the floor she will get on your leg, and do some more even strange movements :? should i be worried? or is it just a natural thing really....maybe she has a sore noo noo, oooo so confused,,,,, hope someone can helpxx
just ignore her. my Bethany was a bit like that./ She was always touchinging her tuppence and of course like you i was horrified.
My mum just told me to ignore her instead of drawing attention to it so i did. I started distracting her when i saw her doing it and she soon loast interest.
I think its just a phase for some kids.
i hope is a phase. do tend to ignore her. must admit she does laugh when she does it. see how it goes xx thanks for advice
i dont no hun? Dior has not ever done this. just sounds like she is messing about though :lol: i wouldnt be to worried though.

maybe just mention it to your HV

I hear around that age they start to be more aware of what they have and you should distract them like budge has said.

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