advice on coping with blood tests?? update! :0)


Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2008
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Hi everyone :)

I've got my first appointment (at long bloody last!!!) on Friday and I am sure they will want to take a blood sample from me. I am morbidly terrfied of blood tests :cry: The last couple of times I had them (nearly 7 years ago) I reacted really badly; I fainted and fell off my chair once, and another time I was so panicked I hyperventilated and it took me 30 mins to come round, it was SO scary!

So I'm already quaking in my boots at the thought of having my blood taken on Friday. I wondered if anyone could give me any tips on how to cope, or any words of advice?? I know I need to have these tests for the sake of the baby so regardless I WILL go through with it, just want to make it as painless as possible!!!

Also, I'm not sure the ante natal clinic are aware of how far along I actually am. I haven't been told to drink any water (they think this is a general booking in appointment - should have had that about 2 months ago!!!) so I'm guessing they're not going to scan me :x Do you think it would be worth ringing them and asking to have a chat about my appointment? I am dying to be scanned, I can't wait to see my baby. I haven't really let myself "believe" that I am pregnant, and having a scan would mean so much to me, I would be really upset if I turn up on Friday and they don't scan you think it would be rude to ring up and check what they are planning to do? Or should I just go with the flow?? Got so much on my mind, argh!!!

C xxx

Thankyou so much for all the wonderful replies folks :hug:

I callled the ante natal clinic this morning and PHEW I was already booked in for a dating scan! I am so relieved, excited and scared to finally get a glimpse of baby at last! I'm just praying that everything is okay with bub :pray:

I am definately having blood taken on Friday...I'm not thrilled but I decided something today. All my life I've been plagued by panic attacks and nerves and you know what It really sucks. I would never forgive myself if I passed that onto my child. I've decided I'm going to be really bold and brave for baby, and hope that s/he will be really proud of their brave mummy! :angel: Cheesy I know, but I'm going to do my absolute best to be calm and collected! Regardless, I'm sure to let you all know how it goes!

Thanks so much for all your help - I don't know what I would do without this place sometimes, you're all perfect angels! :hug: :cheer:

C xxx
I say make sure you tell the midwife taking your blood that you're likely to have a bad reaction, if possible take it while you lie on the bed instead of the chair. I'm not too bad with needles so I can't offer as much as some might, but I find it helps to focus intently on something else in the room, imagine every feeling in your toes and whatever you do, don't give any thought to what they're doing. Breathing slowly and deeply helps.

Good luck :)
:hug: :hug: :hug: Awwww just stay calm and look away and try to pretend nothings happening take someone with you or read something while they are taking them to try and keep your mind off what they are doing.

I had never had a blood test till my first appointment and I was expecting it to be so much worse than it was. To me it wasn't the pain it was the thought of it.
What NickyB said is great advice, I'd also make sure you try and sleep well the night before, eat and drink well before the appointment too, and take someone with you who will supportive and understanding to your feelings :hug:

I would phone the clinic and ask them, they may not be able to tell you anything or change anything, but at leas you'll know and can prepare and if they can change things you'll be giving them time to do so :hug:

Have you heard of white coat syndrome? It may be worth looking into it, and certainly try to focus on the good reason why you are having the tests, and don't look at what the MW is doing, I do hope all goes well and you feel fine with the appointment, very best wishes :hug:
I think lying down for your blood test is wise. If you react so badly then better to be flat out to begin with. I personally never worry about them, but can appreciate others don't like them. I just look away, relax, breathe out and keep my arm as straight as possible. And its all done.

With regards to this being your first MW appointment/booking in etc then I doubt very much if they will scan you. Scans need to be booked in as thats a sonographers job and will require advanced notice. A scan is usually booked once they go over your LMP and due dates etc and filled out all your paperwork and register you with a hospital. So don't get your hopes up on that side of things.

Good luck :)
Hi, not made very many posts but I had to reply to yours as I am just the same! I am terrified of blood tests, totally hate them... but they are never as bad as you imagine them to be, so first thing is to try not to worry!!!

Def ask to lie on a bed beforehand, I do this every time and it really does help. And it sounds really daft, but remember to breathe when you're having it done. I get so scared and anxious that I physically hold my breath and this only makes it feel a million times worse - and is more likely to make you pass out (which I too have done in the past!). I also find having a small sweet snack with me helps, so then the instant it is over, if I feel faint, I can get some sugar into me and that helps. Otherwise, try to relax, take a long someone who won't take the mick, lie back and think of England! And also try to remember that these blood tests are for a good reason :)

As for calling about your appt, your midwife is there to help so if you have any concerns or want to ask about a scan, then go ahead! I've bugged my midwife with some silly things in the past, but if it makes mum feel better, go for it!

I am a complete needle phobic after watching my mum go through chemo. I actually considered never getting pregnant just to avoid the tests - OR refusing point blank to have them, neither of which are particularly sensible.

My advice (some of which is repeated from these sage ladies here):

1. Eat lots of YUM sugar before you go in. You'll care less and you'll be less likely to pass out afterwards.

2. Explain to the midwife that you are needle phobic. Mine was much softer with me for knowing this and booked me a double-length appointment.

3. If you are like me and have NO VEINS and it takes half an hour and several attempts to find one, try not to get stressed. Talk to the midwife about the baby because this positive visualisation makes you remember why the blood test is so important.

4. LIE DOWN to have it done. That way you're already laid back if you feel dizzy and you can just think LA LA LA while she gets on with it.

5. Try not to have a hissy fit - it'll make you feel worse. I know this because I went mental on the midwife the first time!! Poor woman.

6. If you really feel you can't manage it, ask for an appointment at a different time so you have time to get mentally prepared and perhaps take a friend or family member with you? This works for me.

Anyway I really do feel for you, I'm a needle nutter too. However, the second set of bloods were MUCH EASIER! :cheer:

Good luck :hug:
first of all :hug: :hug:
i used to be really bad with blood tests too, and the thing that i found most helpful was if someone could take my mind off what they were doing. so if they just talked to me or whatever so that i wasnt thinking about it.
Hope you can find something that helps you :hug:
I don't think it's rude at all to call and check what will happen with YOU and YOUR baby..

At the end of the day, you always have the right to know what the process is with pregnancy and the NHS in your local area..

I am pretty suprised you haven't had a scan... Maybe you could call your MW and just say you don't feel comfortable waiting until your 20 week scan and she might shed some light on what the next few processes will be?

Don't worry too much about the blood test (easily said I know!) I'm petrified of needles too and couldn't WAIT until it was over. I chose not to have the downs screening too because A) whatever the risk, there is ALWAYS a risk, whether that be 1 in 5 or 1 in 5,000 B) because it means more needles :( and C) because I now I'll be a nervous wreck waiting for the results!

Hope you get your scan hun. :hug:
NickyB said:
I say make sure you tell the midwife taking your blood that you're likely to have a bad reaction, if possible take it while you lie on the bed instead of the chair. I'm not too bad with needles so I can't offer as much as some might, but I find it helps to focus intently on something else in the room, imagine every feeling in your toes and whatever you do, don't give any thought to what they're doing. Breathing slowly and deeply helps.

Good luck :)

This is what i did. told the mw i was scared of needles and might faint, and she got me to lie down. took my mum for support too. they wont think you are daft, a phobia is an irrational fear of something, and they wil understand.
i was really really really scared of having my blood taken and had images of me being in there for ages,barganing with the nurse not to do it. but she talked to me while she did it, and i turned away while the put the needle in and honestly a pinch feels worse!!! i couldnt feel a think i was so surprised how easy it all was!
I'm a bit squeamish with blood tests but I can honestly say they are never as bad as the actual thought of having one done.

I always lie down to have mine done and look away and ask the midwife to chat to me to distract me. That's usually works for me.

Good luck!!
Thankyou so much for all the wonderful replies folks :hug:

I callled the ante natal clinic this morning and PHEW I was already booked in for a dating scan! I am so relieved, excited and scared to finally get a glimpse of baby at last! I'm just praying that everything is okay with bub :pray:

I am definately having blood taken on Friday...I'm not thrilled but I decided something today. All my life I've been plagued by panic attacks and nerves and you know what It really sucks. I would never forgive myself if I passed that onto my child. I've decided I'm going to be really bold and brave for baby, and hope that s/he will be really proud of their brave mummy! :angel: Cheesy I know, but I'm going to do my absolute best to be calm and collected! Regardless, I'm sure to let you all know how it goes!

Thanks so much for all your help - I don't know what I would do without this place sometimes, you're all perfect angels! :hug: :cheer:

C xxx
Thankyou honey, I will have a look at that article now :)

Had to mention, I adore your avatar! The Very Hungry Catarpillar used to be one of my favourite books as a child - so colourful and a lovely story :) I feel all nostalgic now!

C xxx
lol claireyfairey
Wish it was nostalgia, but its a hungry wriggly one in my tummy :lol:
Hey hun

Do ask to lie down if you think that will make you feel better.

It is the thought of it that is the worst part, when the feeling itself is pretty painless.

I always look away and keep talking to the midwife the whole time through about something completely different and before you know it it's over. :)

Don't be afraid to call up and talk through your appointment. I'm sure they will be happy to help you xx
claireyfairey said:
I callled the ante natal clinic this morning and PHEW I was already booked in for a dating scan! I am so relieved, excited and scared to finally get a glimpse of baby at last! I'm just praying that everything is okay with bub :pray:

C xxx
:cheer: Ooooh when is it? Exciting stuff! And there'll be more to see and more going on too than most dating scans!!

it's not cheesy for thinking that way about your blood test, it's REALLY sweet and how can baby not be proud of their mummy?! They'll love you so much whether you cry or laugh during it :D xx
Thankyou dannii! :hug: It's on Friday at 2.30pm, eeeeek! I'm so unbelievably excited. I've been thinking nothing but baby baby baby all day lol I think it is driving my fiancee mad at the moment lol :lol:

And thanks for being supportive about the blood tests - I just have to remember, big deep breaths!

C xxx

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