Advice on baby slings


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2006
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Hi Ladies,

I would really like to have a good baby sling for when my baby comes home from hospital. I just wondered if anyone can recommend the dogs bollox of slings? Also are they okay for premature babies? Austin is likely to be under or just 5Ibs when he comes home.

Thanks for any advice. :D

B xxx
I'm not an exprt but I tried quiet a few with Baby Smile when he was tiny (5lb 5oz when he was born)

the pouches and baby bjorn things were useless for us as he just kept slipping inside and couldn't even reach the newborn support on the tomy freestyle we tried. You might get away with a shallow pouch though f you find it comfortable.

Until he was about 10 weeks and 8lb we used a ring sling we used a mammaway one as I liked the design but there are loads out there) - I liked that it was light and not too hot to wear inside and could be covered by my coat outside - he liked that he could easily feed in it and could lie down or sit up in it and as it went to the side i found it easier for using int he house as I had space infront of me to get to the sink etc.

at 10weeks he was just too stroppy in the ring sling and fidgetted all the time so we moved onto a stetchy wrap and still use the moby wrap now - just starting to move to a forward facign carry so he can look around and he is now 10lb 14oz! :dance: Ihaven't tried him again in the ring sling yet but as he is calmer and less frantic I might give it a go again as it is so easy to throw in your bag when going out.

For the expert opinion I think we need mel.... Mel! you there?
i would suggest a wrap sling..a woven sling would last you forver.. a stretch wrap sling will last you depending on how heavy your baby is.. i would say toddlers are better in a woven wrap sling. but the stretchy ones are good for this age to.. perhaps get a stretchy one for now..they are softer, and comfortable to wear. and get a woven one when you need it?
I have this, it was cheap off ebay and will last for ages as you just wrap it as tight as baby allows. Just a huge bit of material really :lol:

I have a ring sling but lil miss has never liked it in cradle its always been like this...


with her sorta on my chest and I could support her either by tightening the sling or using my arm a bit...

Its why I like this sling because if they are tiny, the cradle position is fab, if not theres lots of other positions to use... and its not so daunting to use as the moby wrap... which I have trouble wrapping quickly when lil mis is having a strop.

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