Advice needed


Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2009
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So been getting tightening last 1 min coming every 2 mins not that painful uncomfortable... pressure in pelvis and now quite a dull pain in my foof...... been to the loo twice since Num 2 what would you do???
personally i would wait it out and see if they get more painful but keep timing them
could you talk easily through them??
Shall wait for dh to get.home. am moving between sofa.and.toilet at the moment. This dull pressure feeling in foof is new.... x x
I would definately keep an eye on things. if its not taking your breath away just yt i would wait a bit, keep timing them you could be at the start of things. and tightenings are from you clearing out and may well become more severe.
No idea what to advise but didn't want to read and run.
Hope your DH gets home soon and good luck!!
Take care of yourself xx
Thanks hun. They are.getting tighter if you know what I mean. It's prob a false alarm lol. That's my luck plus its the.anniversary of my friends death tomorrow so it.would be.sods law it.happens now... x x
aww look at you all either near to having your LO's or in labour i feel like ive got ages to go tr3 is going reallllly slow lol
Backache with tightenings now and not painful but can feel them?? X x
Smess that sounds quite like how my labour started - I don't want to give you false hope but if you are having regular pains and cannot talk through that time I would personally ring your mw and ask advice! I was told to go to hospital to be monitored xx
Next Sunday 39 weeks tomorrow.....
Back ache is defo there now and there is a pain now with tightenings....
Awwww, it wouldn't be a bad thing if the baby came tomorrow though.
More of a blessing. I'm sure your friend would be very happy for you and you can't have a day full of sadness and upset! Something good has to come out of it all. Good luck sweetie xxx
Sorry read that wrong he is home at 10 x x
lol i was sat here reading next sunday think oh crumbs he's gonna miss the birth lol it does sound like your on your in early labour :) but just keep timing them as it can all change suddenly, you could always call labour ward and see what they suggest jsut for your own peace of mind xx
You and Lexus are gonna keep Amanda busy me thinks x
lol was just reading then how long does she think labour is, i know it can be long but hoping for a week and a day long labour with contractions at 2 mins apart the poor girl will be a mess never mind smess hehe
Well the back ache is lasting now and they are defo painful

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