Advice needed


Nov 8, 2009
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I was wondering if anybody could help i went the hospital today as ive been havin a watery loss and they told me my waters aint gone but wen they put me on the monitor the pains i was feeling were showing up on the monitor as anybody else had this n did they have there babe afterwards? any advice would be great xx x x
Hey hun :) In the third tri you are more prone to a lot of watery discharge. The pains you were feeling could be the start of something, or they could be braxton hicks. Did they do an internal at all? How many weeks are you?
Yer they dun an internal and it really hurt and it made me bleed! im 37+5 the doctor said il send u home instead of keepin u in lol! im still gettin pains nw x x
Yes and yes. They monitored me 10 days before my due date and I was having really good BH's registering on the monitor. Watery discharge is normal too. )
I hope things are starting for you but things always get abit more consistent tin the last few weeks :)
The day after my due date my waters went. They gave me a sweep when they check my waters were still intact (friday). Then I had another sweep on the tuesday and another the following tuesday which was the day after I was due and she was born weds evening :)
I had to have an internal examination at 30 weeks as I had a UTI that they thought had started premature labour, my BH's were showing on the monitor. I bled after the internal too hun :hug: but didn't delivery little legs until his due date.

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