advice needed please


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2010
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hey ladies

Was just wondering if anyone can give me advice please,

I have a hungry nearly 6 month baby, we weened him onto puree food at 4 and bit month as he was just too hungry and he took to it really well, had no problems so far.

He is on sma hungry baby milk and without food he is on 8oz 4 times a day and he sleeps over 12 hours at night. However when i am giving he puree aswel i lessen the milk to 5-6oz and i give him this once he has eaten as much as he wants of the puree (usually all of it) which i do 3 teaspoons of.

Am i over feeding, he never brings anything up after to show signs of over eating. I was told that milk had to be their main food source till the age of one, so am i right to be giving him milk with his puree meal? Really confused with all of it and dont wanna over feed him.

His weight was on the 75 centile at birth and stayed there till i stopped breast feeding at 3 months then went up to the 91st and is now between the two. he looks in proportion but does have a big belly but he was born with that.

Am i doing it wrong???
My dietician told me that when LO is on 3 meals a day, they only need 18-21 ounces of milk a day, If you give him less milk he will prob have more food. Zac currently has 3 meals but still has 20-24 ounces of milk, I'm thinking about reducing or even dropping a bottle, I think it's just trial and error really, until you find out what's right for your LO. I'm sure he wouldn't have it if he wasn't hungry. X
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Thank you so much, will aim for that amount then. How old is your little one?
He is 7 and a half months. Yes I need to reduce zacs milk too, gonna reduce it on Sunday x
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