Aching Legs


Well-Known Member
Dec 10, 2006
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I was wondering if any of you have experianced aching in between yours legs ?

I have had cramping in my legs also , but this has seemed to have disappeared :shhh: .

The aching in between my legs feel like ive just done aload of exercises (lol wish i could) and its making me walk bow legged lol .

DH says i look like John Wayne .

Its not hurting too bad its just causing discomfort .
I was complaining about this to my mum earlier, kind of feels like I've been horse riding. I've been doing some gentle exercises because I think these muscles will be used when delivering. Hope it's not too bad for you.

On the cramping, I got this in my leg 3 nights ago then got it in my arm! My arm is so sore and has been for 2 days now. I've had some tonic water tonight to see if that helps
Wend this sounds like the feeling I've had the last 2 days. I wondered if it was the baby's head moving down further into the pelvis.

I am definitely waddling now. Last night I felt like I had a ball in between my thighs! :|
Feels like a bowling ball is falling outta my fanoola most days now :cry:
God knows what its going to be like in 6/7 weeks when i have him :(

Nothing i can suggest except give you loads of hugs babe :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
ive been having cramp since about 15 weeks,
especially at night beforei go to bed andd when i wake to go to the toilet, its not nice
i find rubbing my legs with moisture stuf before bed helps me.
Ive been having cramps on and off since the mid 2nd trimester.I get them when im laying on one side too long or i get really bad cramp in my calves and the only way to ease them is to get my DH to massage my leg hard.And if i stretch my legs out too far i get that ligament thing stretch and its really painful! I spoke to my MW and she said its down too the relaxin hormone in my muscles making me a bit too relaxed!
Tonic water or Bitter Lemon is supposed to be good for leg cramps. There have been a few posts here about it before. I drank a lot of Tonic when I had them and it did seem to help. It's the Quinine.

My legs ache in the night.. so much so I have to get up and can't have a lay in. They are quite painful!
Generally, my hips ache right in the joints and cause me to wake up early most mornings.

I only usually get cramp when I'm swimming, and then it's in the bottom of my feet. I'm suddenly half way down a length and have to swim the rest using arms only! I must look quite funny!!


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