Achey lower back?!?!


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2010
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Hey all hope you are all well.

I am just wondering if having an achey lower back this early on is normal?

I have woke up this morning and mine is very very achey and didnt know if this was common during the 1st Tri.

Amy xx
I've had it off and on. Not really bad just uncomfortable and quite low down.
Thanks for that.

I suppose i just wasnt sure if this was normal this early on.

I just hope its not going to get any worse as its aching like mad lol.

Amy x
Get aching in my hips a bit too. I kinda figured that was probably related to the ligament stretching etc.
Aw right lol.

Thanks for that, I had a little bit of pinkyness on tissue a couple of times when i wiped yesterday afternoon but didnt put a post up as i didnt want to alarm myself anymore that what i was lol.
Then obviousley i have woke up this morning and got major achey back.

Is this all normal?

Amy x
I sincerely hope so.

Obviously it really worried me and OH but i havent had any pain or anything so this is a good sign right?

I know this kind of thing can be quite common in early pregnancy but it really scares you, Then when i woke up with a very achey back i was like Hmmmmm.....

Yeh it is v common hun! Try not to worry, u had anything since yesterday?
I think I have the beginnings of sciatica, already!!!!! :brat: but had mild lower back ache on and off for a few weeks now, it's everything moving round x
Erm i have had nothing at all this morning and im hoping it stays that way. Although i am at the loo every 5 minutes or so checking lol.

We also BD'd a good few hours before i noticed the pinkyness so i am hoping that maybe something has been irratated and thats it, Although every other time after BD'ing since getting my BFP this has never happened. We have both said from now on BD'ing is a definite NO NO until at leat 2nd Tri lol because it did really really scare us both.

Like i say suppose it just made me worry a bit more when getting up with a bad back aswell. Sorry if you think i am been dramatic hun.

I think I have the beginnings of sciatica, already!!!!! :brat: but had mild lower back ache on and off for a few weeks now, it's everything moving round x

LOl... Thanks Princess.

Ah hun I wouldn't worry it is v common to get spotting after sex! X

I was told off a few ppl only to be really alrarmed if it turns to red blood and i get pain with it.

Thanks everyone. xx
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Ah hun I wouldn't worry it is v common to get spotting after sex! X

I had this, frightened the begesus outta me. Vowed never to do it ever ever again. Lets just say EPIC FAIL.

We were more gentle the next time we tried BD and everything ok *phew*
So i am not the only one lol.

I am so glad i spoke to you ladies on here as it has made me feel a bit more confident, I suppose im just gonna try and think positive.

I haven't attempted bd :eh: partly cos o/h has been away so we couldn't anyway, but when I had my midwife appointment she told me to avoid intercourse til after my scan so we can see where the placenta is lying :eh: needless to say o/h has had his marching orders in the bedroom :lol:
I haven't attempted bd :eh: partly cos o/h has been away so we couldn't anyway, but when I had my midwife appointment she told me to avoid intercourse til after my scan so we can see where the placenta is lying :eh: needless to say o/h has had his marching orders in the bedroom :lol:

Ha ha nice one princess lol..

Yeah midwife also mentioned to me that if i was prone to mc's its best not to have intercourse.

I am hoping that is all the pinkyness i will get tho lol.

Amy's OH here :p.... No sex for us for at least 9 months HEHEHE (Don't tell Amy that though she would not be happy at all).

Nahhh.. What happened yesterday really scared us both, I was at work and Amy sent me a txt so I rang straight away and she was very upset. From then on I was constantly txting her making sure all was well but it seemed to clear up and is still not back but as above we are going to stop the sex for the first trimester.

We don't want to take any risks at all incase something happens to our bean as we have tried so hard and for so long to get to where we are now.

Thanks for looking after her whilst I have been at work etc and take care :).

Amy's OH here :p.... No sex for us for at least 9 months HEHEHE (Don't tell Amy that though she would not be happy at all).

Nahhh.. What happened yesterday really scared us both, I was at work and Amy sent me a txt so I rang straight away and she was very upset. From then on I was constantly txting her making sure all was well but it seemed to clear up and is still not back but as above we are going to stop the sex for the first trimester.

We don't want to take any risks at all incase something happens to our bean as we have tried so hard and for so long to get to where we are now.

Thanks for looking after her whilst I have been at work etc and take care :).


Awwwwww in't he lovely. You just keep taking good care of her too :)

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