
Lady 28

Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2011
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Has anyone tried this? I had surgery on my Endometriosis in April and basically have till November to ttc ourselves and then we would be looking at assisted so want to everyone I can.

Also extremely stressed out with current work situation which I know doesn't help and just wondered if anyone had used accupuncture and more importantly that it had helped?
I don't know anyone with a diagnosed fertility issue that tried acupuncture and suddenly got pregnant...

I find pilates relaxing and exercise in general is supposed to be a mood enhancer and good method of venting :)
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My husband has offered once or twice to stick needles in me for free! Think I will look into more and see, tried hypnotherapy but really terrible at switching off! Hope you feeling bit better about your jags. x
This is a late reply but I want to share this with you in case others come across it.

I am not normally into any alternative therapy but....

I suffer from endo (laparoscopy 2007) and pcos, my AFs are practically awol and my last cycle was in Feb11. Whilst I was going through the process of seeing docs and waiting for tests I did LOADS of research, looked on lots of other forums and in May I started going to see an accupuncture therapist once a week and also took dong quai (promotes blood flow to uterus), folic acid and omega 3, royal jelly (promotes egg quality and good for uterus), propolis (good for endo pain)and because my cycles were irregular I also took agnus castus/vitex (but dont take this if your cycle is regular or on fertility drugs).

Last Tuesday on 05/07 I got my 1-2 weeks BFP on a clear blue digi test! I was absolutely stunned!

The acupuncture was really relaxing, barely felt a needle. Strangely the last session I had before my BFP sent me to sleep and I was a bit jumpy when the needles went it. After the session I was exhausted!

I would recommend it but it cost me 25 for half an hour and 16 pounds for the dong quai per week and I think you need to do ten sessions to give it a proper go but worked for me after 4! The dong quai were tiny tablets and I had to take 16 three times daily so with all the herbal stuff I was rattling but determined!

I think for me stress is a major blocker for my AF and attempting to conceive because I have transferred my job, moved geographically had loads on so acupuncture for me was my attempt to tell my body its time to calm!

If you go for it please let me know how you get on ALL THE BEST xxxx

Ps my fifth session is this Friday so going to go every couple of weeks or once a month during the next 9 months.... :)
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Thats brilliant news sunbeam - congratulations :dance:

Always good to see a fellow endo girl get pregnant.

Going to look at places near me now that do acupuncture, trying everything at the mo

Ah thanks hun! Endo sucks!

Fingers crossed for you! Def.try it and make sure it's someone accredited by the British acupuncture council. I went to herbal world which has a few branches but mostly down south. It was a traditional Chinese therapist, asked lots of questions before we started checked my pulse and my tounge every week!

My partner joked at first and said I was being fleeced but he is eating his words now-ha!

Good luck! Let me know how you get on too!xxx

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