Absolutely terrified of scan this Friday


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2011
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I have my dating scan this Friday, and I am cr.... my pants that there will be bad news. I haven't felt sick for two weeks now, and now my boobs don't hurt any more either. I keep telling myself that this is all normal, but can't help the negative thoughts and feelings. Wish I had a time machine and get it all over with!
It'll be amazing! And a weight off your shoulders! Good luck!
Hope you're ok hun. I feel the same and haven't even got my scan date yet!

:hug: Sure everything will be fine.

Good luck sweets, i'm sure it will be fine, keep us posted xx
This is exactly how I feel, should be getting a scan done Monday at the epu, but don't actually have my dating scan date yet. I'm so scared that there is something wrong too, although I was sick this morning! I hope this week flies for u xx
Ah hun I was just the same. I have felt pretty much ok all the way thru so far. And everything was perfect at scan x
Hey hun, I know I'm not in tri1 anymore but I was exactly the same as you! I literally had no sickness (apart from the odd time when I went off certain foods!) and my boobs weren't sore at all, in fact the only real symptom I had was fatigue.... if it wasnt for that and several bpf's I wouldnt have even known and my scans all turned out to be fine. One important thing I have learnt so far is that everything is so different and we all experience things very differently. Best thing is not to get stressed or worried, its hard, but it doesn't help you or baba. Hope this helps and best of luck xx
I know how you feel. I'm extremely nervous about my scan too! So scared its going to be bad news, I'm keeping myself up at night worrying about it! Im trying to stay positive about it all but that's easier said than done. FX for you babe that all is good with you and Lo, I'm sure it will be xx
i had a scan on Friday, 10+6. my sickness has gone and my boobs are ok again
but all was ok at the scan! im sure it be fine!! enjoy it :) its amazing xx
Thank you, all of you - it is so good to know that there are people out there who are (or have been) in the same boat and don't just roll their eyes at my maybe irrational worries! I suppose I will just try to keep myself as busy as possible over the next few days, and then it will be Friday before I know it...
This is exactly how I feel, should be getting a scan done Monday at the epu, but don't actually have my dating scan date yet. I'm so scared that there is something wrong too, although I was sick this morning! I hope this week flies for u xx

Good luck for your scan tomorrow! I am sure everything will be fine - can't wait to see the picture afterwards!
I too have had no symptoms other than tiredness and like laurenmm wouldn't even realise i was pregnant if not for the BFP that I did to rule out being pregnant, stay relaxed and all will be fine , fingers crossed for you xxxxx
hun, just reading this now, but felt excatly the same the week before mine, i was convinced that something had gone wrong!! It's just because you're nearing the end of Tri 1 where symptoms start fading!

Will be looking out for your post and Pics on Friday.


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