Absolutely awful consultant appointment!


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2007
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Had a worse appointment ever today! I have a very strong SPD pains, really really strong, so I decided to talk about c-section.

First of all I had to wait an hour to see the bloke, next, when I finally got into the room there was that doctor, who seemed to be pretty nice and I assumed he is the one.

So I told him about my problems and he seemed to be quite understanding, but then appeared that horrible horrible consultant, who was actually the one. As soon as I mentioned, that I have SPD and I am wondering if the c-section would be the best possibility for me. He shouted that he never ever gave a go to the c-section becourse of SPD and he never will. At that point I started to cry :cry: Cos I just wanted to get my head clear about the whole thing...

And when I said what I can do then, he said, well, you got yourself a physio appointment,he will give you crutches and a belt, and you can start taking strong painkillers. With that he just left!!!Leaving me with that wirst bloke, who prescribed be pills and wished all the good luck, saying, that if it doesnt get better, on the next appointment in 2 weeks we will discuss it again!

But, in 2 weeks Ill be 39 weeks pregnant!!I might give birth by then!The only problem is, that I have no idea how, cos I cant get my legs apart without having a feeling that my bones are being crushed!And I know, that there is no way I can give birth on my back, so I tryed to be on my side and just lift one leg up (frightened my husband with a scream of pain), so that is a no-no as well!The other position suggested on all fours, but I cant stay in that position for more then 2 minutes...

Been crying since and feeling very very low!It was their f*ing fault at first place not to refer me to the physio when I first mentioned (when I was 30 weeks). I had to go to my GP by myself so she can refer me!
Feeling just all time low now :cry: :cry: :cry:
You poor thing, i dont post on here very often but this subject really gets my back up...when will doctors take SPD seriously?????

I had it myself and in a similar situation to you i was self diagnosed because no-one would bloody listen.

I went to the physio which i have to say helped a lot. I was given a belt (instant relief when put on) and crutches (these also helped a lot). They also showed me some excercies to do and i am not big on excercise but i am sure that they did the trick.
By the time i was ready to give birth i felt a whole lot better and was able to have a normal delivery. The best bit was, as soon as i had given birth and i stood up, the SPD had gone, COMPLETLEY!
I hope you are as lucky in that it will dissapear but in the meantime i really suggest a trip to the physio. They seem to understand a whole lot more and are generally very sympathetic and helpful.

Good luck!!!!
What a wanker to treat you and speak to you like that!

I dont know if i can help as i had mega bad spd like you with my first baby and the only way i got rid of the pain in labour was having a epidural, not ideal but i got my legs apart and gave birth to my son vaginally. I didnt know i could have jad a c section but one wasnt offered. Maybe discuss the option of a epidural and how it would help you in labour. My sil did the same and she said the epi helped her loads
Jessika: That is what I mean, about not taking it seriously! When I mentioned it to the MW on my last appoinment and told her, if they reffered to physio sooner, or, even told me to be careful (I didnt know what the pains were then), I might have been much better now.

And she answered, that for some women it doesnt progress for some does! So, does it mean that we have to wait untill it gets unbearable and only then start doing something!???!!!!!!??? :evil: :x :wall: :wall:

Its like saying to the cancer patient (do not want to offend anybody) that lets wait untill the turmour grows and then see what we can do!
Mrs. Tommo: I am starting to think about it...I got myself another appointment with the consultant next week (different one, and it will be a lady, so hopeful more understanding). Hope it will go better.
forgot to say i also had an epidural - made labour much easier. You should be able to have the birth you want but dont rule out a VB as there are ways and means!!!
yep treatment of SPD on the NHS sucks. as soon as i found i had it i went off and got private treatment. the money was worth it for the pain relief as I first got SPD just after 12 weeks.

the more people who complain about this the better as this is something that seems to affect wuite a few women and their is no need to suffer so much pain if it is treated early.
Hi, with my last pregnancy I had spd and was not referred to anyone - the midwife just gave me info sheets about it. I went and booked myself in with a chiropractor (sp?) and it's the best thing I could have done. I had to pay for it but it was well worth it, I started getting relief after the first session. When the labour came around I was pain free giving birth. Well free from spd pain anyway lol.
Sorry to hear about your awful consultant - they are such arrogant buggers some of them :wall:

I've got very bad SPD and my osteopath recommended a water birth as this takes the weight off the pelvis and it is easier to do the all fours thing. If you need to do all fours on land then prop up your upper body with loads of bean bags and pillows so that your arms don't have to take any weight.

Good luck.

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