Abigail Grace 26.5.2012


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2011
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Well after 2 weeks finally getting round to posting my story.
I went in to be induced on fri 25th May. Our hospital are no longer using gel, they are using a new product for induction and it just looks like a small tampon! Mine was inserted at 9am, and was told that i could walk around and do what i wanted as long as i reported to the ward every 4 hours for monitoring. Nothin happened all day. OH left me at 9pm with a few period type pains.
By 10pm, the pains were getting worse so i asked for some pain killers. The midwife put me on the monitor just to check, baby was happy and it showed a few mild contractions. I got a shower and ready for bed and decided i might as well get some sleep.
I was woken at 1am with really strong pains. I walked around the ward to try ease it, but nothing was working. The midwife checked me and i was only 1cm! I thought to myself, my god if this is 1cm, what will 10 be like! There was a really nice student midwife on duty who came to sit with me and went through some breathing with me. She ran me a bath and helped me. At 2am, the midwife said she had phoned labour ward as i was in that much pain and that she could give me some stronger pain relief and had organised for me to go up within the next couple of hours due to my pain. On the way back from the bathroom to my bed, the pain just became unreal and i felt so much pressure. The midwife decided to check me at 2.30am - and she looked shocked!! I was 9cm!! She seemed rather alarmed at this, went off to phone labour ward and next thing i know i was in a wheelchair on the way upto labour ward. I literally got on the bed, had 1 puff on the gas and air and pop went my waters. Such a stange sensation! OH was called and told to hurry up (we live 30 miles from the hospital) I was petrified he wouldn't make it and also worried as all my stuff was still downstairs on the ward (including my camera - would think id have more to worry about!!) OH arrived just before 4am. This is about all i can remember apart from getting so frustrated because i just didn't feel like my contractions lasted long enough to push her out. At 5.45am, i was told baby was beginning to get stressed and as my contractions were quite short i was started on a hormone drip and told i had until 6.30am to have a baby otherwise id be going to theatre for forceps. I knew i didnt want this so i pushed with all my might and Abigail arrived at 6.26am with the cord around her neck twice (apparently this is because she was breech and happens when they turn). She was fine.
I held my baby for 5 minutes and shouted OH to come and get her as i felt unwell. He took her and i remember my head going back. This is all i remember but OH tells me the midwives were sorting the cord out which had come away from the placenta and there was a gush of blood. Apparently the room filled, he was in the corner with Abigail and I was taken away. I went to theatre and didn't see my baby until after 9am. When i got back they told me all the placenta was out and i had a 3rd degree tear which had been repaired. I had a spinal, but remember absolutely nothing.
OH looked after Abigail all that time and as i wanted to breastfeed she had no food until i got back. After a 5 day stay in hospital, i was discharged. I am unable to breastfeed as my body just didn't produce enough, so i am expressing the small amounts i am getting although cant give it to her atm due to my medication. But once ive finished that, i will be able to give her the milk and top her up with formula.

Sorry if its long and although it sounds a bit grusome, she is totally worth it and ive forgotton the pain. Here she is :)
Awwwww, how cute! She is such a sweetie and worth every second of it i'm sure. Congratulations :love::love:
awwww welcome to the world of new mummies and come join us in baby and toddler when you feel ready :)
Abigail is beautiful Steffy, congratulations again! x
Congratulations!! She is beautiful and you done very well. xx
Congratulations hunni.. She is gorgeous xx

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