Abdominal pressure/protein


Well-Known Member
May 22, 2010
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Hi again,
I seem to only write on here with a problem! Does anyone else have extreme abdominal pressure, but only if the bend over? It's like, even if I only go at a 30 degree angle, its just really extreme? No real abdo pain otherwise. I'll be 30 weeks tomorrow, and at a growth scan a week or so ago the baby was breech, and I'm pretty sure still is, could that be why?

The protein part of the title, was that at my last hosp appointment I had ++ protein i urine but blood pressure was okay, about 135/85. Should I be worried that the high stomach pain could be pre-eclampsia because there was protein?
Sorry for my long windedness. I'm just wary I should get checked, but I don't want to waste their time!
Thanks for any replies in advance
you can have protein in your urine cos of a urine infection. Did the hospital take a sample to send to the lab for testing? Quite a few of us have had UTIs, theyre more common in pregnancy. I would ring up about it if I were you, just to be on the safe side. And if it is UTI, you'll need a course of antibiotics.
I'm not sure to be honest. I'm high risk and have had loads of appointments, but the last one was with a midwife and she seemed confused as to what she was doing with me and never really told me anything.
Thanks for the help x
coud be a uti - best to get it checked hun don't worry about wasting there time thats what they r there 4 and its best to catch these things early - let us know how you get on xx
i had protein in my urine at one of my mw apps, it was sent away for analysis but came back clear - midwife said it was 'just one of those things' as my last sample was completely normal. My bp is generally around the same as yours too, hopefully it's nothing to worry about but best to get it checked anyway I reckon!

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