

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2011
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My scan date came through a while back for 25th, I miss calculated from the day I got letter to the scan day, and now realise its an extra week! Not until I'm 14 +6 !
Was expecting a 12 week scan, 13 at a push but 15! I want to see babi!
And I'm not allowed to tell until we get the all clear at the scan :-(
Sorry for rant just being impatient! X
Oh hun :( you could ring them and ask if they have any earlier.....hasn't your hubby just surprised you with a few days away that week?????? :fib: xxxxxxxxx
Contact them because if you are having the nuchal measurement it needs to be done by week 13 I believe.
I wish we could go away! What's nuchal measurement? I'm worried now :-(
a nuchal measurement, measures the baby's neck to work out ur risk of downs syndrome. It needs to be done by 13+6 so if u want this test done u do need to get an earlier scan date. xx
O right! I thought the downs test wasn't until the blood test at 16 weeks! I feel like I'm not being told anything ! Why wouldn't my midwife say it needs to be earlier? :-(:-(
The nuchal scan is the first indicator but it's not 100% which is why they back it up with bloods. Ring them in the morning and tell them you are worried and want an earlier date. There's always some spare even if they say there aren't xxxxxxx
Ok thanks baby brain I will call them tomorrow x
Yeah called and almost begged but she said there is absolutly nothing now until Nov 8th, and I said about nuchal measurements (I read about it in book now too ) being before 14 weeks and she said she never heard of it!
She just said she will put me In the book to be called if there is a cancellation and that the number of pregnancies has doubled
I'd say to any girlies that are very early on and havnt been to docs yet, go now! Especially if u are in or around Newport x
Aaaahhhh it was on the news a few weeks ago that Welsh maternity services are really struggling. You could push your gp, see if they would refer you to a private company? xxxxxxx
The nhs might pay hun. Sometimes if they don't have a facilities or space they pay private companies. Its worth asking xxxxxxxxx
Kayelle, I think you should be in Tri2 now? i'm now worrying about this nuchal scan aswell as i'm 13+2 days now?!?
Hmm sounds interesting babybrain, thank you I will ask :)

Reilly I'm not sure, thought it was when I start 14 weeks? Tbh I'm wary as I havnt had a scan, heard no heartbeat, no one taken any bloodshed or even felt my tummy :-( just worried until I see babi!
Have u got a date for scan yet?
I'm the same, no blood pressure, no blood tests, no scans no nothing and its rather peeing me off now as i'm supposed to be high risk due to my bleeding disorder :-/ xxx
It's frustrating isn't it! I get this feeling I am just being fobbed off a bit, like they expect not to see some of us again so don't care until you make it safely to a certain stage!

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