fran_23 said:its not so much that newborns are difficult- just imagine being preggers and feeling really sick and tired in the first few months with a nearly 1 yr old when every smell is making you wretch- then when you are bigger chasing round after a toddler- then when new baby is born not being able to sleep when the bay does as with the first time coz you have a toddler to entertain!! plus having 2 lots of nappies, and then theres the night feeds doing all the bottles and steralising sounds like hard work! (sorry i am looking at all the negatives to help you be put off)
hennaly said:How else do you think i ended up having 7
Sweetcheeks24 said:loving your avatar - I think you should bring TTC forward
Sweetcheeks24 said:They are cute and ikkle and smell lovely and make cute lil noises and pull cute lil faces and cuddle into you and are the sweetest little things ever. sorry i'm not help! I'm mega broody
Sweetcheeks24 said:They are cute and ikkle and smell lovely and make cute lil noises and pull cute lil faces and cuddle into you and are the sweetest little things ever. sorry i'm not help! I'm mega broody
LisaJ1986 said:God i'm broody too. OH said 2 years though! My newborn was a piece of cake. All she does is eat, sleep and smile. She never cries.
Vickyleigh said:I was broody but Summer doesn't sleep well at night, moans alot, has gone off her food, she's just a nightmare at the mo and it has totally put me off having any more.