a warning to you ladies to be vigilant


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2007
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Hi Girls

I wanted to write this in the hope that I may be able to safe you from the misery i've just had to go through. As you all know I've been a little unwell this last week and mainly because of a nasty UTI which I feel could have been prevented. I went to the midwife for an appointment before the UTI really flared up and she tested my urine and said and noted that there was a trace but never did anything about it. I feel that has she sent that sample for testing then they could have picked the infection up before it spirled out of control and I could have been saved some misery. I've been really poorly with it to the extent that I have hardly left the sofa since Thursday or Friday and today was the first time since then i've been able to go out. I spent a little time up and about during that time but it was for very short periods of time as I just had no energy and constantly felt dizzy and lowsy. I came down with flu like symptoms minus a tempreture and was also puking up. So what i'm trying to say is if your midwife tells you that you've got a trace then please get her to send it off for testing, don't let the infection get out of control. Feel free to use my story to your advantage with the midwife if needed but in future if my MW says i've got a trace then i'm going to make her send it off for testing. I'm feeling much better today so hopefully the infection is under control. :hug: :hug:
I wondered where you had been, and we keep missing each other on msn.

Take care of yourself :hug: :hug: :hug:
:hug: Sorry to hear you've been poorly, hope your fighting fit in now time.
Mine went untreated for approx 12 weeks. They really don't care these days!

Hope you start to feel better :hug:
Yeah well they should care, I became really ill with mine and that was no exageration. I could just about change my daughters nappy and get her dressed in the morning and then that was it I was exhausted and flat on my back for the rest of the day. The other thing they need to remember is UTI's don't only just effect mummies but can put you into prem labour and cause all sorts of problems with baby which very nearly happened to me. My bubba's HB was going mental when I went into hospital at the weekend and the mw looked really concered as hb was going upto 190 which is the higher scale but fortuantly bubba calmed down again. I will be making sure they look after me and baby properly from now on as that was pretty scary stuff. I couldnt go out anywhere as I just constantly felt dizzy and felt I was going to pass out.

Minky hun will catch up with you soon hopefully, not long left for you now hun!!!!
bowmanzoo said:
Hi Girls

I wanted to write this in the hope that I may be able to safe you from the misery i've just had to go through. As you all know I've been a little unwell this last week and mainly because of a nasty UTI which I feel could have been prevented. I went to the midwife for an appointment before the UTI really flared up and she tested my urine and said and noted that there was a trace but never did anything about it. I feel that has she sent that sample for testing then they could have picked the infection up before it spirled out of control and I could have been saved some misery. I've been really poorly with it to the extent that I have hardly left the sofa since Thursday or Friday and today was the first time since then i've been able to go out. I spent a little time up and about during that time but it was for very short periods of time as I just had no energy and constantly felt dizzy and lowsy. I came down with flu like symptoms minus a tempreture and was also puking up. So what i'm trying to say is if your midwife tells you that you've got a trace then please get her to send it off for testing, don't let the infection get out of control. Feel free to use my story to your advantage with the midwife if needed but in future if my MW says i've got a trace then i'm going to make her send it off for testing. I'm feeling much better today so hopefully the infection is under control. :hug: :hug:

Really sorry to hear you have been feeling so awful :hug:
My midwife did exactly the same told me I had ++ protein
in my urine but didn't give me anything as I wasn't in any pain.
This is what ended up happening to me!!
http://www.pregnancyforum.co.uk/forum/v ... t=#1003226

Hope you feel better soon hun xxx
ohh that's horrible, i had something similar when i got thrush and had it for 2 months before diagnosis. It got so bad i could not wear undewear as my skin had become red raw, but within 48 hours of getting a cream on prescription i was fine and able to move.

The symptoms can sometimes be different when you are pregnant compared to non preggers.


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