A short story for you girls!


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2010
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Hey Girls,:wave:

I thought id start this thread as my OH is starting to notice my slight obsession with peeing on OPK's and HPT..

Last night he brought a stick out of the back garden into the living room and passed it to me...
Me being blonde looked at him in confusion and said "What do I want a stick for" :eh:
He replied with a smart ass look on his face and said "Well I would have brought you a rose but I figured you enjoy peeing on sticks so much that you would appreciate this more as you could go and pee on it!" :whistle:

Anyway - it tickled me so I thought I would let you girlies know!


haha sounds like something my other half would do!! Men! Gud laf tho x
I kinda ruined something for myself over the weekend too. I was just dilly dallying about and noticed a msg pop up on his Iphone.. I noticed it was from my bestfriend so was like.. Hmmmm I think ill read this... I opened up the message (as most of you are familiar you can see the whole thread on the Iphone texts) and the convo my OH and bestfriend was having was about him telling her he is going to propose to me in February and he was getting her advice on what she thinks im gunna say!


That teaches me to nosey doesn't it!

:rofl: !!

Aw! x

Edited as just read your last post - OMG!! :yay: Oops, will defo teach you to be nosey! ;) x
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Haha I know! Lesson learnt!

I'll be gutted if he doesn't ask now! Im seriously kicking myself for looking and ruining my own suprise!

(He plans on taking me to Paris to ask me)

I have to stop myself from grinning ear to ear whenever I think about it.. He's gunna wonder what the hell is up with me lol

Wow cool!

Could have been worse, you could have found a message of him chatting up another girl or something!

Will you be able to keep it a secret?

Haha silly question Maybe!! Ive already blurted it out on here.. so urmmm Nope... I don't think I will be able to contain myself!!!

I should though really shouldn't I!

Just incase he doesn't ask me and I make myself look like a complete fool!

Ohh well yes.. Secret it is...Shhhh lol

Two lovely bits of info before I go to bed. Aren't you a lucky girl.
Great news!
Aww, well.. congrats!!!! :yay: ...is it too early to say? Haha!
How about this idea? Tell your best friend what you did and ask her help. Pretend that you got hold of HER phone and saw conversation and then she can say she tried to grab phone off you but you saw something about proposal and paris. Then she can contact your oh and (in tears, is she a good actress?) Explain what happened. This gets them time to come up with another plan that will be bigger and better than before? You will still know proposal coming but not know the where and when..... no way will you be able to keep this go yourself. Mmm

Oh and love his sense of humour about POAS
Aww to both of the bits of news!
The stick bit did make me giggle!! :lol:

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