A question .....


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2011
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Hi lovely ladies

I'm having my 12 week scan on Thursday and as we all do, I'm convincing myself something will have gone wrong, bloody stupid I know but can't help it!

Anyway I had a scan at 6 weeks due to some bleeding and they found a lovely strong heartbeat. I've heard that if a heartbeat has already been established in early pregnancy then the chances of missed miscarriage and miscarriage are greatly reduced. Is this true?

Hope everyone is feeling ok.

Aaawww hun am sure you and baby will be just fine :)

I heard this too, we need to try and not worry about it if we can xxxxxxxxxx
Hi Hun apparently the chance of a successful pregnancy goes up to 97% once a hb is detected.
We all worry but seeing you lo on that screen is amazing x x
Thanks girls, I really need to stop worrying!!!

Lol, worrying during pregnancy is what's going to make us all such wonderful mums in my opinion. Oh and I plan on getting myself a very nice expensive nursing home and blowing the inheritance to get my own back :) xxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Hun apparently the chance of a successful pregnancy goes up to 97% once a hb is detected.
We all worry but seeing you lo on that screen is amazing x x

Crikey that's a massive increase :oooo:. I feel better now too xxxxxxxxx
Hey hun, hope you dont mind me popping over from tri3 to hopefully reassure. Like the others have said, worrying in pregnancy is totally normal and it never stops, even after the baby comes. I used to think "as soon as I get to tri2 + 3 I wont need to worry anymore" lol I still worry now more than ever! Before my first scan I convinced there was gonna be something wrong because I had hardly any symptoms, no sickness, no sore boobs, only feeling tired!! But everything was fine. The HB has been detected and all is good so far I assume? The worst thing you can do is get yourself into a state, not good for you or baby. Still I hope all goes well, I'm sure it will hun xxxx
Hi hun, i have my scan a week on tue, like you i have also seen my baby and hertbeat however it still worries me that when you get there something will go wrong. Got to try and think positive, Good luck xx

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