A night out!


Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2006
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Just wondering if any of you girls have been on a night out whilst being pregnant??
i went out saturday night clubbing in a little town near me! and i really enjoyed myself obviously didnt drink or dance!
But had a really good night! :D :D :D
i dont like how it look... big bellied woman in that environment.. with smoke ec... but each to their own!
i stil go to the pub/ out for meals....

i dont like clubbing so that hasnt been an issue for me!

im the annoying whale sized lady coughing and spluttering if anyone lights up near me :D
ive never bn to a pub...

been in one to use the 'western union' .. its so dark and old fashioned in pubs..lol
well to be honest i havent totally quit smoking anyway as i found it really hard so im a very light smoker!
but to be honest most places you go now there is smoke!
like i always say if you rap your baby up in cotton wool all its life it will get every illness and wont be immune to anything!
but thats just my opinion! :)
glad u had a gr8 night hun, u deserve it, and it'll soon stop when bubba is here.

I worked in a club untill i was 20 wks pregnant, which is worse than going out and i have a gorgeous healthy little boy.

Well done wanabamum glad u had fun, :hug: :hug: :hug:
fingerscrossed said:
glad u had a gr8 night hun, u deserve it, and it'll soon stop when bubba is here.

I worked in a club untill i was 20 wks pregnant, which is worse than going out and i have a gorgeous healthy little boy.

Well done wanabamum glad u had fun, :hug: :hug: :hug:

thanks hun i really did have fun! and ill most proberly go out again before she arrives!! :dance:
and y not ... Alfie is 3 months old and i havent been out to wet his head yet so get it whilst u can, uv spent so long protectin ur LO, and ur doing a gr8 job,
Ive become very irritable in the later stages of pregnancy so I havnt even botherd going out properly, ppl would just p*ss me off.

When I have been to a pub for a meal with OH I have had a nice time, and they've always been non smoking sections, I used to smoke pre preg but gave up as soon as I found out, I couldnt go to smokey atmospheres, only becuase I would want one myself, so I try and avoid the temptation.

lol even after 9 months I still fancy one but I just wont.
i bought a comp chair and it smelt of smoke and made me crave 1 after a yr of giving up, so now its living in the garden. sorry wanabamum, not hijacking ur post :hug:
yeah its easier for some people than others yeah i feel guilty about smoking but at the end of the day i dont want to stress my baby out either!
i just sat down for the night with a cold glass of coke and had a good chat to my mates!
just because im having a baby im not going to stop living!
it could be worse i could be a drug addict of an alcoholic!!
Tasha20 said:
Ive become very irritable in the later stages of pregnancy so I havnt even botherd going out properly, ppl would just p*ss me off.

When I have been to a pub for a meal with OH I have had a nice time, and they've always been non smoking sections, I used to smoke pre preg but gave up as soon as I found out, I couldnt go to smokey atmospheres, only becuase I would want one myself, so I try and avoid the temptation.

lol even after 9 months I still fancy one but I just wont.

wanabamum said:
yeah its easier for some people than others yeah i feel guilty about smoking but at the end of the day i dont want to stress my baby out either!
i just sat down for the night with a cold glass of coke and had a good chat to my mates!
just because im having a baby im not going to stop living!
it could be worse i could be a drug addict of an alcoholic!!

I agree when I was pregnant with Luke the amount of stress I was under I smoked all the way through cut down but I did'nt want to stress him out even more I went out will my OH and friends to the pub for karaoke every fri night and he is fine and hardly ever gets ill.
This time I have been to ill to go out plus we would rather stay in will Luke.
I went for my works Christmas night out on Saturday and i did enjoy myself (it was an eventful night though as the hotel had a power cut and we had no food or drink for ages!) I managed to stay out until 1130 too!! ( Normally would have been in bed by 9!) I have also been to friends houses for meals etc... but have found that going out to town has been a problem due to smokers. I have never liked it but now that I am pregnant the smell seems to be alot stronger and it makes me feel sick - so we have stayed away or gone to non smoking pubs.

having said that I have had problems going out and doing normal things like shopping and have only managed about an hour in town before having to come home!
Im not really a clubber but i must say i dont really enjoy going to the pub with a load of pi**ed people and im the one sittin there drinking coke!! But i did go for a good old curry a few weeks ago and i really enjoyed that!!!!

I know lots of people who have smoked all through pregnancy and have had perfect babies, i chose to give up, and i praise you for cutting right down wanabemum cuz most of the ones i know didnt, they were smoking 20 a day royals or embassy, so well done on smoking moderatly :clap:
I just want to say thank you so much to the ones that are really supportive out there about smoking!! :hug:
yeah i have tried and tried and just didnt sucseed but those who dont like it make me feel really down about it i think maybe if you have something bad to say then keep it to yourself!
but thanks to you other girlis again! :hug:
i agree hunni, this is ur body your babi, i did quit smokin but then sum ppl find it alot easier then others. :hug: ur din gr8, the fact uv cut down is gr8 too, ppl shud praise u 4 trying hard :hug:
I gave up ewhen i found out but the stress my husband is putting me under has caused me to slip....... :evil: I have had about 8 since he started being an arse, will try and stop when ifeel a bit better. I wouldn't judge anyone for smoking(or moderate drinking) in pregnancy, we are all here and our grandmas and greatgrandmas smoked,drank lots of stout and did all sort of bad things :hug:
im going out this saturday to my bf christmas thing at work, aint been out for ages!!!
hope I didn't offend with my comments about not liking smoke.... :oops:

I personally believe its your body and you choose to do what you want with it....

If you did take offence please believe that this was not my intention.

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