A Little Bit Worried Id Say


New Member
Aug 6, 2007
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Hi there...

Erm... well Im 18 years old with a full time job and I'm not sure where to start. I have been with my fiancee for 2 and a half years who is currently unemployed and we got engaged Christmas 2006. I'm feeling a little bit broody lately probably due to the fact that everyone around me is pregnant or having babies. My cousin who is a month younger than me is pregnant, also my auntie, 2 friends of mine have just had babies, a neighbor and a friend of mine has just found out shes pregnant.

I am on the pill but tend to forget it alot as I am in such a rush in the mornings and me and my fiancee never use a condom as he has a low sperm count so we dont tend to bother.

My last period was about 2 weeks ago and I still have a while before I have my next one. Lately I have been feeling quite bloated, very tired, a little bit irritable and usually I have a huge appetite even though Im a slim person (size 12) but lately I have hardly been hungry, having maybe a toastie and a banana or something like that.

It doesnt bother me going out to get a pregnancy test as I have done it before but my mind is so split in two. I dont want to go to the doctor or family planning and I certainly dont want my boyfriend to know about this as last time I felt like this it was a false alarm and he thought I was being stupid I think.

Problem is in a way I want a baby but in a way I dont, I am not sure what to do or what to think, can someone help me, I just feel like if I am pregnant im going to be scared and dissapointed as me and my fiancee have plans but I feel that if im not I might end up trying for one. Please help me...

:roll: VeryWorried! :roll:
Hey :) just some of my thoughts....

I don't think it is possible to tell if you are pregnant 2 weeks after your period. This is my first month of ttc and you really need to wait to nearer your next period to find out. I know the waiting can be awful....I know what waiting feels like as I have been doing these last weeks.

I think you should share these concerns with your OH. It will take a lot of weight of your shoulders if you confide in him. He won' think your stupid....you are just worried...nothing wrong with that!!!

18 isn't that young to have a baby if you are worried about that. I know you say you have got plans and if you aren't pregnant then you can think about fulfilling these or changing them if that's what you want.
I am 19, this time last year I had my A levels results and was starting uni...now I have a full time job and I'm trying for a baby...so plans can change!!!

This may not been useful but I hope everything works out for you!!!
It always works its self out in the end!!
:hug: :hug: :hug:
Thank you for that, it kind of helped, I have in a way spoken to my fiancee about what he would do if i told him and he said he wouldnt exactly throw his arms around me but he wouldnt finish with me so that helps, just have to wait and see what happens and hey... good luck for your lil bundle the stalk drops off XxX :D :hug:
You're only just ovulating 2 weeks after your last period (if you have somewhere round 28 day cycles) and implantation wouldn't happen till at least 5 days after that. Then you would start to get symptoms, so I think you're probably stressing and that's causing your symptoms.

Good luck - hope you get the result you want. :hug:
Hiya :wave: I was 18 two weeks ago, my son is the love of my life i wouldnt change him 4 the world he is 10 months old! I was pg within 4 weeks of meeting my bloke who im now on and off with. Seems like you have a good life, great job, bloke etc! In all honesty i would continue with the life you have until your settled. When you have a finicial background and your sorted that would be a great start to a baby life! My bloke is 10 yrs older and currently out of a job, having a baby has put alot of strain on everything, dont get me wrong i love my baby and would never ever say i regret him. A few ppl i know got pregnant after me because they like the baby thing, but it aint fair to bring a baby into a world unless theres some stability there. If anything my son gives me the get up and go to get my life together as a year ago i was a prat! But your only young once so enjoy it, dont worry about low sperm counts,mates having babys etc, live your life now after all you only live once and your time will come!!! :hug:
Thank you so much for that J.D, that was a lovely thing to say and it really got me thinking so thank you and also give your son a kiss and cuddle from this complete stranger cuz hes very lucky to have a mum like you XxX
Im 20 soon and i got pg when i was 18 and i was bloody scared coz i had only been with my bf 3 weeks when i got pg, i was on the pill too and have no idea how i got pg but now i dont regret a thing. My bf was supporting me when my work went bust and we were living off £350 a week, it was tough but we managed, i only work 4 nights a week which is about £85 but we are ok and our littlwe girl is happy too, if you feel ready then thats great xx
Thanx i will, pm me if you want 2 talk at anytime ok chick good luck!! :hug:

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