a guide to shaving your muff by budge


Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2006
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righteo ill give a step by step guide to muff shaving

close all blinds and curtains and secure all doors of room where mission is to be undertaken

first get everything prepared and ready. Shears(or scissors if muff is only knee length), shaving foam, shaver, bowl of warm water, towels and kitchen roll and frozen peas incase you shave a lip off.

prepare bed. place pillows so that you can rest head on them and head is elevated so that muff can be seen in mirror.

place towel on bed to protect duvet from blood loss, shaving foam etc

place large mirror in front of bed .

lay on bed and hold legs akimbo slightly elevated. Adjust mirror to good angle for you to see full view of hairy canary.

Get up and mentally prepare for mission ahead, take deep breaths and let all fears wash over you. Close eyes and repeat The muff must go , the muff must go out loud.

Lay back on towel and set to work. Thin the nuff out with shears so that its easier to see rest of mission.

Once you feel ready set to work with the shaving foam and razors.

Good luck fellow fatties!!!!!! :D :D may your hairy canaries turn into bald eagles soon. :pray:

love budge x

Budge can i email that to a friend of mine please!

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
:rotfl: :rotfl: I love the way you put things budge your very funny, I like the blunt approach to things, no point beating round the bush :rotfl:
oh hello tasha! i think im gonna like you :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
:rotfl: budge I love you, you make me smile when I'm down, this is HALERIOUS!! :rotfl:

I'll bookmark this for when I'mm in my third trimester again :rotfl:
:wave: Hi budge lol I like this sort of humour, makes me laugh all the time :rotfl:
:rotfl: that is so funny,gonna pin that next to the mirror :rotfl: xx
:rotfl: Budge!

And don't joke about shaving a lip off, I used hair remover cream once with one of those ice scraper things 'down there' and cut myself sooooo bad (well it seemed it at the time, but I hadn't had the joys of labour tearing/grazing then!)
:rotfl: well i was going to do some rough sketches but i thought better of it.

Im so glad everyone has found the topoc useful .I think ill asklaura to pin it. :rotfl:
:rotfl: Budge that made me laugh so much :rotfl:
And at this time of a morning too

You are a star
:rotfl: :rotfl: budge you certainly have a way with words :rotfl: :rotfl:

do you have any advice for stemming the blood when a accident happens... as it often does for me! ive lost chunks before now! :oops:
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

What about after care Budge? Any tips on keeping rash and itch free! Scratching down there in public aint a good look :rotfl:
mine has not become scratchy as yet. But im sure ill think of a de scratch tip when the time arrives. :D
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

I almost spat my tea all over my moniter as i was reading that!!

Think i'll need to print a copy out for when i get bigger, thanks Budge for cheering me up when i was feeling rather shitty this morning! :cheer:

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