A few questions if you have a minute please x

I just don't know where else to go for help. I didn't even go to the breastfeeding support group today because I feel stupid say there bottle feeding while everyone else is breastfeeding :(

I have my own HV coming next Tuesday so she'll be my next hope to get help x

Tapatalking so can't see sigs or click thanks!
Google la leche league and see if there is a support worker or group near to you. Sounds very much like a tie IMO, the rooting thing was exactly what G used to do, and I'm convinced she had a lip tie, she managed to burst it on her own though. You may have to push to get checked for that though, x

On my iPhone - so cant see tickers :(
I second la Leche or NCT BFing support groups.

IME HVs just don't have the training to diagnose ties.

Also don't feel silly bottle feeding anywhere Hun you are doing your level best for your LO xx

Don't feel that others will judge you. You have gone to to the group for support for bfing and you shouldn't be made to feel any other way IMO.
I'd definitely get along to a group and push for a tie to be looked for.
Good luck and keep going x
Yeah your right I should go to the group again, just feeling really frustrated today, I want him to latch so badly! Last night waking up twice and having to express and fed him just left me so exhausted again and I felt really down today.

Just wish he would latch! I don't actually think my nipples are the problem anymore because the pump has bought them out loads. I think the main problem now is that he has got used to the bottle and he just gets frustrated and angry every time I offer the boob!

The nearest la leche league is 30 miles away sadly and I'm having trouble finding an nct class nearby. I'm going to ring them tomorrow though for more help.

Thanks for your help everyone and for making me feel better, I do know I'm doing the right thing, it's just bloody hard work lol. He's so worth it though and I only have to look at his little face to know every moment of tiredness and frustration I feel is well worth it x

Tapatalking so can't see sigs or click thanks!
Just see this Hun. Ur doing amazingly well so don't beat yourself up. The other ladies have said everything rly but all I can say is nipple shields were a godsend to me. I have flat nipples too. Harry never latched but. Had other issues too such as being 8 weeks premature and tongue tie however after pressing for 7 weeks nipple shields became my only way of bfing. I continued to use them until Harry hit 6 months about 2 weeks ago and still use them for the only bf I do now which is the morning feed. The only prob is they r tricky to use in public. I am so happy I persisted with it though because Harry gotta have my milk and we had that closeness too. Keep trying with the shields and also keep trying without too. Any questions inbox me whenever xxx
Ps I totally can relate to your frustration about latching. I've shed many tears about this during the early days. Don't give up Hun n please ask if you need any advice xxxx
N just seen u live in Staffordshire!! Me too, I know where there are groups but depends where u r. Inbox meeeeee :) xxxx
1, am I expressing enough to maintain him? I express about 3-4oz every 3 1/2 hours.
I would imagine so as they only eat little and often.
2, should I have tried longer using the Nipple shields? I now feel like I gave up to soon :(
Don't stress as you can just try again
3, have I now ruined any chance of actually breastfeeding him because he has now had so many bottles?
I wouldn't have thought so as they learn new skills all the time.
5, how can I increase my supply as he gets bigger? 4oz is the most I ever manage to get and I'm sure that won't satisfy him as he gains weight
Is this through expressing or bf? I never managed to express much but when I bf my milk increases as I need it
6, do I have to always express round the clock? I really want him only to have my milk but it's bloody hard work waking up twice nightly to pump and I can't imagine doing it for another 6 months, I'll be a zombie lol
I can't answer as never have done
7, when I do get a bigger supply how do I freeze it? Are there special breast milk pots or bags I can get from somewhere? I just have no clue about storage for my milk
I think I remember reading before you can store it in milk bags for I think upto 3 months
The reason I used Nipple shields is because my nipples are flat. Ideally I would just love him to drink from the boob but I feel now like I've ruined it by expressing and bottle feeding. How can I try again to get him on the boob after a week of being used to bottles?
Just persavier, offer the boon at each feed.I'm sure if you keep on trying bubs will get there eventually.

Sorry none of my answers are definate as I could never get on with expressing so have just breast fed. Just answering to he best of my knowledge. Best of luck to you with whatever you decide to try or do :) xx
Sorry I appear to have been late answering this thread apologises x

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