A few anxieties... can you help?


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2011
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Hey Ladies,

Feeling very inexperienced with all of this. I've got a few questions i wonder if you can help, advise, point me in the right direction....

1) I've got a few blankets, Quilts, a sleeping bag.. but in terms of wrapping up baby in the winter months, what do i use? I've heard of swaddling? What are you girls using?

2) Gro bag themometer, has anyone bought one? They seem like a handy gadget!

3) I think there is something else but i've forgotten (baby brain)!!!

4) I've got raspberry leaf tea, when and how much should i drink per day?

I'll get back to you on 3, any help ladies would be lovely :) xxxx
Ahh no 3.

I live in an old victorian house, and there seem to be lots of big ugly spiders about! I feel so paranoid saying this but......

.... I'm tempted to buy a bug/mosquitto type net to cover moses basket and cot!
Am i alone in this fear???????
Anyone actually bought one??

no 5.

Changing bag.......

have people invested in an actual changing bag, or maybe bought a bag and made it into a changing bag??Xx
1) you should be fine for winter months babys room should only be i think its bout 16c or around that as baby generally needs only one extra cover , you shouldnt let them get too warm as this can make them ill.

2) dont worry about about getting a net for the baby nothing is going to happen

3) yes you will need a changing bag to carry round nappies, wipes, creams, bottles, changes of clothes etc
1) iI would always have put my LO in one layer more than me. DO NOT OVER WRAP, your baby is better slightly cooler rather than over heating. So I swaddled at first as he was tiny then a grobag, so

2)if not a grow bag, one sheet and one blanket depending on the temp of the room your house. Get yourself a room thermometer your going to need it as well as an ear thermometer it all depends on how warm the environment is then you regulate the amount of clothes and bed sheets you need


4)Get the rasberry leaf tea from a health food shop there are different kinds and get them to read the guidelines to you dont take it too early, I only had one a day

not sure if any of that helped hun. I would put my LO in a baby grow vest and a night sleep suit, then a grobag. The grobags have a thickness to them like quilts, check the tog. Dont listen to people say "oh there isnt a tog" because there is and if it doesnt say on it then dont get it

pm me if you have any more questions babe I dont mind. Sure others will come up with more advice and different opinions, it will be down to your choice in the end. ALSO your midwife/health visitor will help you I promise xxx
ps mosquito net....If Id had a house with lots of spiders then yes i think I would have thought of it but its not too bad even though its a victorian house xxx
Thank u ladies! I think we have lots of spiders at the moment because of the weather. There's also 3 fire places so I wonder if they get in from there :(
I'll be swaddling, all you need is 2 blankets, and say another 2 for spare, during night baby was swaddled & another blanket on top.

I think the sleeping bags have to be used w/out any other blankets

Never heard of the sleeping bag themometer

Never tried RLT but heard you can start it from 33 weeks, but only tea leaves not capsules til 35 (i think)

Changing bag is a must have - i'd say the only requirement of the bag would be that it has a waterproof lining inside, this really helps for leaking bottles, wet clothes ect - any type of waterproof bag that will hang over the buggy easily.

Cant imagine there being any harm in mosquito net, i'm sure they must use these in foreign countries.

not got answers for questions 1-4 as this is my first bag but for a changing bag i bought a messenger bag.. everything fits fine & is just as good as an actual changing bag :) (less pricey too!)

hope this helps :)
Boots give out change bags free hun I used mine up until 3 months ago and my little boy is a year and a half. Find out how you get hold of them, loads of mums use these as change bags can be expensive and as the others have said, you need them to be waterproof coz of wet nappies and leaking bottles etc.

ps MASSIVE spider in my bedroom last night arrrrggghhh yes from the fire places x
as the lady above said you can get a free one worth 30 quid when you join boots parenting club for free x

I forgot to mention I got mine free. And I love it coz it matches perfect with my black pram.

I think the voucher is in the bounty pack?? With mines I had to buy a pack of newborn nappies to get them, which was fine coz the nappies were only £6.

i dont really have answers to most of your questions as i share in most of your anxieties, but as for a changing bag, boots are meant to do them free but i have been waiting for my voucher for sooooo long that i went on ebay and got a gorgeous 4 piece one from a ebay shop for a tenner. and free postage. its perfect and i can fit everything i possibly may need in it! a friend of mine just got a normal shoulder bag and uses that, so really i think its down to preference as long as it will fit everything in. :)

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