Full term is the last 'milestone' - we are all getting so close!

talk about how to scare the shit out of me!

30 days to go pinky!!!! ....or maybe sooner :muaha:


You know the strangest thing is in my head I can 'play mum' and see myself with a LO but when it comes to real life I can't see it at all :s I think I'm in denial slightly hence why I'm so calm!

I know what you mean I defo think I'm in denial too! I think I'll start panicking like mad when it actually happens! x

im deffo in denial, even though im on here everyday, i can't actually sit there and think about it coz it scares me :oooo: xx
Im so jealous of u all i have 9wks left. Hope it goes fast!! X
:love: I think our pregnancies have flown by, My mum keeps saying the same thing.

Remember if you make it to 9 days to go, you'll have the 'Single Figures' milestone to celebrate :D

I'm really looking forward to being a mummy, and OH can't wait to have her (he keeps saying that). But I totally know what you mean about the 2 person club, I'm really going to miss being pregnant and having this bond with baby. Of course I know she'll feel safe in my arms but it's not the same as feeling safe if nothing but your mummy's womb. I too wish OH could feel this bond we have, she wriggles when she hears his voice and he always puts his hand on my bump to feel her moving but it's just not the same compared to feeling every movement and every hiccup :love:

I always thought that feeling a baby move inside me would freak me out (which it did a few times when she would do big movements!) but I think not feeling her move around is going to be extremely weird after the birth, like I'm missing a limb!

Can't wait to have my girl though :love: xxx
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Good luck ladies

You'll all defo miss being pregnant, enjoy those last cpl of weeks no matter what pain/discomfort your in, soon enough your body will go back to normal & you'll miss being pregnant even the bad bits.

Cant believe pretty soon I wont know anyone in Tri 3 :shock::shock:
Good luck ladies

You'll all defo miss being pregnant, enjoy those last cpl of weeks no matter what pain/discomfort your in, soon enough your body will go back to normal & you'll miss being pregnant even the bad bits.

Cant believe pretty soon I wont know anyone in Tri 3 :shock::shock:

aww, its weird that a few of you have gone!! it will be us next! xx
This threads really choked me up a bit. I know where you girls are coming from and that's what i love about this forum. I love hearing how people are coping esp people due around the same time as me. There's nothing more special than having people to talk to in the same boat. I have to say even though I am fed up with this pregnancy malarky I know I will miss it esp when Lo is here. And I love knowing that I'm the only thing protecting him from the big bad world but i do feel my other half needs to bond with him more and the only way that's going to happen is when he's there in the flesh. I know he's real abd everything but sometimes I can't imagine that I'm gonna be a mum I just want to give him a whopper of a kiss and huge cuddle. And i can't wait to see all you lovely ladies ickle bubbas. And It's like even though we all live so far from each other I feel going through all of this has bought us close which is something other people don't get xxx
What a gorgeous thread!!!!
Have to say I definitely will mss being pregnant, second time around I think I've enjoyed it even more because I've been a bit more relaxed abut everything.
Can't wait to hold my little lady in my arms and see the little man's reaction to her. Will be fantastic to see them growing up together:)
It does seem as if the next 3/4 weeks are going to busy ones for all of us- makes it so exciting now, checking in to see how everybody is doing.:)
It's been so great sharing everything with u ladies, such amazing advice and support from BFP to labour and beyond......it would have been so much harder doing this on my own without u lovely ladies going through the exact same stuff as me. Love this thread xxx
:love: :love: slightly jealous that I'm not in the full term club yet :shakehead: gimme a week ;) x
I never had a computer, never mind the internet when I had my first - 8 years ago i fell pg, & I didn't have much support friend wise as we just moved house, this pregnancy has been great having the forum, but it makes me sad I never had that with my 1st - all the nights/days I suffered with no advice, also makes me sad I never did any bump pics with her. So you ladies are really lucky - esp those having their 1st.

It doesn't help that when we're pg we say....cant wait to meet baby/wish I never had this pain ect then when baby comes u want them to stay wee forever & u wana go bk in time when they get older - funny ole life isn't it.

Oh & now i've officially had 2 babies, I can say 100% second time is ALOT easier, when you have your babies & its really difficult, dont make the mistake I did & wait 7 years before trying again. Dont let first bad experience put you off. Once you've been thro the baby/toddler thing, its like second nature 2nd time round.


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