A bit worried


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2011
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I've just been to see mw and when she had measured my bump she said that it was my fundal height measurement is reduced, she has plotted it on my grapth as 35cm, when three weeks ago it was 32cm and six weeks ago it was 27cm.
I can't understand, as unless the baby has shrunk they must have measured it wrong!
She also said shes unsure of which way its lying as all my movements are at the bottom, last time I went she said it was definately head down!
Shes booked me in for a scan tomorrow afternoon, but I'm already feeling worried that something is wrong.
Any thoughts?
It is a different midwife to who I have always seen so I'm hoping that she is not that accurate with the tape measure!
Didn't want to read and run.
Not sure what to suggest on the measurement front, but at least your getting a scan nice and quick.
I'm sure theres nothing to worry about and all will be clear at the scan.
Good luck and hugs!
maybe the baby has moved positions? I don't think that the measurements are accurate but a scan will be so its good she has booked you in for one. I was measured at way too big one week and then scan showed everything was fine.
Thank you, I'm sure it is all fine, I just keep having this thought that I'll go tommorow and they'll give me an emergency c-section. I know it wouldn't be the end of the world and I honestly just want my baby to be ok but its just not what I want, can't stop crying now which I'm sure is my hormones :(
Aww everything will be fine, its a massive worry i know but honestly the measuring techniques are really not that valid and certainly if someone different has been doing them? Every single one of my measurements where done by a diff midwife or consultant and they are all over the place!
Hope you are been seen early tomz, let us know how you get on, sending you big hugs XO
Aw hun, fundal measurements are rubbish at predicting growth, they vary from midwife to midwife, they also vary depending on how baby is lying, how tall you are and how much fluid you have. The scan will just be to be on the safe side, I'm sure everything will be fine. My sister measured normally all through her pregnant and then gave birth to an 11 pounder so just shows how wrong they get it xx
I wouldnt worry hun, my mw sent me crazy at 28 weeks i was measuring 35cm ! she sent me off for a scan told me i could have too much fluid, she wasnt very reasurring ! i waited all weekend worrying and expected the worse, turns out everything was fine and im due to go back at 34 weeks (1st may) to see how big she is, i feel though at the minute she hasnt grown much ?? she weighed about 3.5lb at 28 weeks. i think this is quite common which explains to me how inaccurate the fundal height measurements are.....

hey hun

try not to wrry to much as with m previous babies i have always measured smaller tha the actual weeks i was, i measured 36 at 39+6 with 2nd baby and he arrived the next day at 7lb 10oz so a good weight considering i was measuring behind :)

my measurements have been good this time but then again i having scans not measurements of fundal height that was until i got to 34 weeks and growth has declined, but scans have showed reduced water around my baby they said i just need extra check to make sure it doesnt go to low or else i will be induced if it does!!

the scan should reassure you and if they wont baby out soon, they will probaly induce rather than c-section :hugs: xxx
I wouldn't worry cos last week I measured 39 week and this week I measured 37. My mw said its cos baby's head has moved so far down xxx
Thanks for all your comments. Really can't sleep, does anyone know if my baby is lying transverse, will they just give me a c-section and if they do, how early will it be?
I'm not sue Hun, but didin't want read and run. They might try and turn the baby if it's not too late! I 'm sure some of these ladies will have some answers for you fx xx
Thank you for all your comments, my scan went well baby is fine, measures fine and is head down.
So midwife got it completely wrong, I know she was doing the right thing but I was so worried and she didn't reassure me. Anyway I'm so relieved everything is ok :)

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