A bit worried :( UPDATE: Going to hospital


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2011
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Ariel's now been throwing up one feed a day for the last 4 days. I thought it had stopped yesterday as he'd been vomiting his 1st feed of the day but then he threw up his last feed last night. The problem is he's projectile vomiting not just spitting up - soaking both me and him :( He has no other symptoms but this is enough to make me worry it's pyloric stenosis. I've phoned out of hours so waiting for a call back but don't want to be told that I should wait and make a gp appointment as everything I've read says this needs to be treated as soon as the baby presents.

So worried and miserable now - just desperately hope it's nothing at all. I can't stand the thought of him having an operation under general so young. There is no way I would be able to leave him either. Haven't slept at all, just need some answers.

Pointless thread really, just needed to share as don't want to tell family until we know if it's anything

UPDATE: NHS Direct have told me to wait and make a gp appointment but phoned up out of hours surgery and the GP really thinks it needs to be thoroughly checked out as he thinks there is a chance it's pyloric stenosis, so off to hospital for 12.30 appointment
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Sorry to hear that :hugs: if they tell you to wait you could just turn up with him at A&E, that's what I would do. I haven't experienced it but since iv had Will iv realised there are all sorts of things babies go through so it could be something else?! Let us know how you get on xx
Thanks hon. NHS Direct have told me to wait and make a gp appointment but phoned up out of hours surgery and the GP really thinks it needs to be thoroughly checked out as he thinks there is a chance it's pyloric stenosis, so off to hospital for 12.30 appointment
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Goodness! Really hope he's ok! And you are!keep us updated!

Iv already decided I will take Will to A&E if I'm worried about something. With babies you are better off safe than sorry. Hope you get on ok :hugs: xx
Oh poor little man, hope you get things sorted soon xx
They suspected Sophia had this when she was a few weeks old, she too was projectile vomiting most feeds. They do a simple blood test to rule it out, so I'd def just go up to A&E. I took her to the GP who was a cow tbh but I told her I knew it wasn't normal to be vomiting like this and she was very sleepy too. The hospital were brilliant and straight off decided to test for it as a precaution. I think they have raised sodium levels or something. Luckily she didn't have it, but he has got a floppy larynx and reflux so it was put down to that. We perservered without treatment and it calmed down after a couple of weeks. She is never sick anymore, hardly any spit up too. Good luck xxxx
Oh no :( Poor lil guy :(

Hope he is ok and they help him xx
Oh, hope all is ok with you and Ariel... Thinking of you both. Xx
Thanks so much ladies, well the doc we saw was lovely (and even pronounced Ariel correctly). He checked for other signs of pyloric stenosis, as well as reflux and a few other things but Ariel only has the vomiting once a day and other than that is happy and healthy. He also doesn't cry with it and isn't hungry again after. He surmised that Ariel is probably just a greedy chops and I have rich milk. He said that copious/projectile vomiting is always treated as something more worrying but apparently quite a few babies will throw up like this in their first 3 months. He was willing to send Ariel for checks but thought I was perhaps better just keeping an eye on it and start a feeding diary as well (luckily have an app on my phone). I feel reassured but silly but alsi so so glad that fingers crossed it looks like a cross between my jersey cream milk lol and his appetite. Thanks so much for your reassurance ladies, dint know what I'd do without you all.
I'm so glad everything is ok! I can't imagine how worrying that must've been!

F is like this quite a lot, is very sick soaking us both etc but hv said as long as she's happy and gaining weight that its a laundry problem as opposed to anything serious as a friends baby who.had projectile vomiting it literally hit yhe otherside of the room! glad hes ok tgo.just be lrepared for the amount of clothes you get thru LOL! We have muslins by the hundreds! X

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