Pyloric stenosis

Hope all goes well and he makes a speedy recovery. xx
So glad you've had something diognosed! must be so scary if your feeding your baby and they are throwing it all up! Good luck, it'll be fine! Amazing if you can bf again after too!

Sorry to hear this. Hope the op goes well today & he recovers quickly :hugs: xx
I hope all goes well and Riven has a super speedy recovery. Thinking of you xxxx
So sorry ur LO is needing an op hun, must b such a tough time for u all! Really hope all goes well today and he starts feeding well and putting on weight soon! Xxx
Oh, you poor thing, what a stressful thing to happen. At least you know what the problem is now, and soon it will be solved. Thinking of you and your brave little man!
Well we're still in Poole hospital and haven't been moved to Southampton yet as there are no beds, they have also said that when we get to Southampton they will want to re do all of the tests grrrrrrrr, so all the blood tests and ultrasounds that have been done here really count for nothing and he has to go through all that pain again, I'm not happy, on top of that he hasn't been able to have Anything to eat for 48 hours now and he won't settle as he is hungry and we can't feed him in case he gets moved and operated on....he has an IV drip with fluids going in so I am told he is ok.

I had to leave the room this morning when they took more bloods I just couldn't do it, I balled my eyes out for a good hour everything just got a bit much, OH was brilliant and stayed in the room with him whilst I woosed out and stood in the hall.

Another rant sorry ladies.......
Oh, that sounds awful, how horrible for all of you. So annoying about the tests - I thought the NHS was all about information sharing? Surely they can pass on the results from one hospital to another?? Anyway, I hope you get transferred soon so that you can get the operation over and done with - good luck!!
oh hunny

that sounds awful but it will all be worth it in the end, nobody likes to see their baby suffer so i can understand you not wanting to watch, i just hope they hurry up and get you a bed so riven can get on the mend soon xxxx
We are definately off to Southampton for the op tomorrow, as horrible as it sounds I am really pleased, I know it means more pain for R but it means he may be fixed by tomorrow...and then we can get on with healing and feeding him up properly.

Awwww hun, sorry to hear this. Your poor lil one.

At least he will get the treatment he needs and get better.

Oh sorry, thought it was today! All the best for tomorrow hun, hope all goes smoothly and u have him home ASAP! X
aww hun when i saw he was upchucking a lot i thought that might be a possibility and then thought nah its rare and docs thought reflux....i should have said something.

glad its been found out tho and that hes gonna be fixed up and fed up soon. good luck for tomorrow :) xxx
Aw you poor love that must be awful.big hugs :hugs:

Hope the little guy is fighting fit soon
Just had a catch up! Must be so distressing seeing baba like that! So glad your off to Southampton best of luck and please keep us updated!

Thinking of u guys!

Oh darlin!
what a nightmare.

Let me tell you though, i'm a survivor of pyloric stnosis - even though the odds are mostly on boys getting it - I was a freak of nature that also started vomiting like something out of excorist at 5 weeks. It's one thing i dread for my little one to be, thank god it's not hereditary. I cannot imagine what you are going through.

Will he have a war wound? My scar still shows and i'm 30, but operations would have changed for the better i imagine in the last 30 years.

(((hugs))) to you all.
and lots of snuggles and kisses to the little one

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