a bit of help please!!


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2007
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sorry if its in the wrong section but theres a few things i need help with but wanna get it all in one post...

might be long sorry.....

When breastfeeding, if she closes her mouth tight shut and won't take my nipple, does it mean she's had enough??
thing is, last night she kept doing this but when i put her down in her crib she started crying and sucking her fingers as if she was hungry, and when i put her back on my breast she fed for about 10 minutes and had a good grip but then she did the same and it was like this all night.

also, she has a rash on her chin from feeding... what can i use?

when bathing her, i clean her all over with cotton wool and water first, then hold her over the bath and wet her hair and scalp.. then hold her body in and swill water over her... is that all i need to do??

one more thing sorry.... well, 2...

im worried about having a bath with my stitches cos im scared getting in and out is going make my whole foo split in case i stretch too much :oops: :rotfl: :rotfl:

so i had a shower this morning and used the shower head on my bits to clean them proper, then dried them with cotton wool balls. is that ok?
midwife said to have 2 baths a day but was thinking of standing in the shower tonight and pouring a jug of warm water and lavendar over me.. would that help?
really dont fancy a bath yet but im fine with showers.

And also is it normal to lose blood clots?

sorry for all the questions!!!
Can't help much with other stuff, but.........

Keep any clots you pass and show them to your midwife tomorrow love.....just keep the pads that they pass onto. The midwife will check them for you!

Also, if you get brave enough to sit in the bath, stick a handful of salt in the bath water. Helps wounds heal a treat!

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
hey kimmi!!!

erm well tbh im not great at the bf thing but dont know if it means shes full..shes still getting used to it i suppose so sorry :(

the bath thing - Yes thats fine i wouldnt worry about anything else just yet

as long as you keep urself clean :wink: i cant see there being a problem..just bath when u feel ready

blood clot thing im not too sure..i had a section though so may be different :(

sorry ive not been much help surre someone else will have more info

hope your all ok :):) and coping well :hug: :hug:
Breastfeeding-I wouldnt think its enought...I think your LO is still adapting. When I gave birth and was still in hospital I was told to feed Danny every 3 hours at least for 20 mins (like if you start feeding at 1, next feeding should be at 4, not at 4. 20). If he was asleep I had to wake him up and wipe his face with wet cool cottonwool. Hope this will help. You do need to try to feed longer I think.

Rash on the chin-after each feed wipe he chin with wet cottonwool and you can try to put some baby moisturizing cream (I am using Lavera Neutral for babies and children face cream)

I had a c-section, so dont know about stiches, but Ive read, that actually a warm bath helps healing. You can add something lavander in the bath or you can make a very strong camomile tea and pour it in the bath (quite a lot)

Btw, congratulations on your baby girl! :hug:
Hiya Kim

not sure how much help I'm gonna be but here goes...

When Evie has her feed and doesn't settle afterwards she does the fist in mouth thing and it usually means she has wind. Now I bottle feed so she needs a lot of burping and I'm not sure if BF babies need the same.

As for the stitches...a bath won't split them open...I put salt in my bath and I found it really soothing and my stitches healed super fast

You're bathing her exactly as I bathe Evie. I don't bath her everyday though. I alternate between a bath and a top and tail daily.

Evie got a rash on her face from her dummy...my MW said to keep the area dry and not put anything on it. It cleared up really quickly.

As for the clots...I didn't lose any but I was told to save the pads they are on to show the MW so she can determine if they are normal or not. Sometimes it can be a bit of placenta left over I think.

Hope that helps hun x
breastfeeding _ when little one stops feeding try rubbing his/her palm in a circle or rubbing her/his cheeck should start them off again plus newborns tend to fall asleep whilst there feeding coz its such hard work and then wake up when u put them down

and ur stitches should be fine hun i had them with my first not nice and sore for a few days / a week, salt water baths helped, and just pat dry with a clean towel. they easy enough to look after. try puring cool water over ur bits whilst u pee helps ease the stinging and keeps them clean at the same time
Im bathing my sticthes in the bath and finding it good, it doesnt sting or anything when i get in. i thought it would. I dry mine with a clean towel i also wash mine every time i go to the loo(nearlty) im paranoid i will get an infection then have sore minni, sore boobies, sore mouth (ulcers) so everywhere will be in pain :)
A bath is better for you stitches..helps them heal quicker and soothes you.. I had a bath an hour after having Fynn the mw recommended one.. she told me to try and have a wee in the bath and it wouldnt sting as much.. which I did and she was right.. I was in quite a lot of pain with the stitches for a few weeks but was advised not to put salt or anything in the water :? however some say salt helps. If you take your time getting in and out of the bath, im sure you will be fine. I had clots for a few weeks and was told by mw this is normal.

Try and have a bath... I hope it eases you! :hug: :hug: :hug:

Sorry cant help with BF.
if I hadn't had had salt baths after giving birth I'd have died from the pain... :shock: the baths were lovely. There wasn't a bath at the hospital so I had to wait till I got home before I could have one... :( It was three days of agony for me. You won't burst stitches infact it will only make the heal faster and disolve quicker... :)

As for bfing sounds like shes falling asleep... tickle her feet, stroke her cheek or press her hands to wake her up... so that she continues feeding. Tbh they are on and off your boob like a yo yo for the first 6 weeks anyway, so don't expect there to be a huge difference.

As for bathing her... sounds like you are doing just fine... as long as she is clean and happy. Lil miss doesn't get bathed that much as she protests at being cold and wet... even with the heaters on :roll: she's not a water person.

The rash is caused by moisture and has no ill effects. Just remember to keep it as dry as possible, but spots and rashes are all part and parcel of having a newb... its where their delicate skin is taking a while to adjust to the harshness of the outside world... :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
top tip for drying yourself after a bath or shower....hairdryer - not on hot though :lol:
I had quite a few stitches in my foo ( not from a having a baby ) but I had to dry myself with a hairdryer and it worked a treat. Careful with cotton wall, it may get stuck in them :D
Kimbo said:
sorry if its in the wrong section but theres a few things i need help with but wanna get it all in one post...

might be long sorry.....

When breastfeeding, if she closes her mouth tight shut and won't take my nipple, does it mean she's had enough??
thing is, last night she kept doing this but when i put her down in her crib she started crying and sucking her fingers as if she was hungry, and when i put her back on my breast she fed for about 10 minutes and had a good grip but then she did the same and it was like this all night.

also, she has a rash on her chin from feeding... what can i use?

when bathing her, i clean her all over with cotton wool and water first, then hold her over the bath and wet her hair and scalp.. then hold her body in and swill water over her... is that all i need to do??

one more thing sorry.... well, 2...

im worried about having a bath with my stitches cos im scared getting in and out is going make my whole foo split in case i stretch too much :oops: :rotfl: :rotfl:

so i had a shower this morning and used the shower head on my bits to clean them proper, then dried them with cotton wool balls. is that ok?
midwife said to have 2 baths a day but was thinking of standing in the shower tonight and pouring a jug of warm water and lavendar over me.. would that help?
really dont fancy a bath yet but im fine with showers.

And also is it normal to lose blood clots?

sorry for all the questions!!!

With the BF I would try holding her there for a min and keep trying her with breast see if she wants it, sounds like she's just adapting and getting used to things. Have u tried touching her chin or cheek to get her to open her mouth?

When I bath Ellie I leave her in her clothes (so she doesnt get cold quicker) and hold her over the bath, clean her face with cotton wool then wash her hair. I then strip her off and put her in the bath and wash her while shes in the bath. To be honest I think everyone has different ways of doing things and if the way you've been doing it works for you then it will be fine :)

Already spoken to u one msn about ur stitches, plenty of baths is the key and it softens the stitches so they are as tight and also keeps the area clean, shower head is good to keep clean too.

As far as clots, yeah its normal I think... I've lost a few clots in the first few days and was quite heavy but then it slowed down and just went heavy now and again.

Hope that helps...... :)
tea tree oil ! inbetween baths i bath my foo with watered down cotton wool . i put some luk warm water in a ball , 4 big cotton wool balls and 5 spashed of tea tree oil and bath down there ! it feel stingy but then the releif is amazing !
welcome back kim :hug:

if she refusing ur nipple and shes already fed, its likely she has had enough, but could be full up of wind, newborns need lots of burping breaks during feeds (i found anyway!)
the BFing sounds normal to me similar to how melissa was at first. altho she didnt get a rash, i'd ask ur MW about that.

bathing sounds fine, i only used water and cotton wool for the first 6 weeks as their skin is so new and sensitive!

its normal to be para about ur stitches- i was nervous too i moved slowly as i was frightened of bursting- and i was SOOOOOOO scared about my first poo but if u havent done one yet dont worry its not that bad! (in fact its not at all bad!) i dont tend to hav baths anyway so i just had showers and was fine- just dont use soap etc.

blood clots- depends how big? i did but was just like very very heavy period. x
think the others have covered your b/f questions, but i had quite a few clots, and the midwife told me as long as they are no bigger than a plum then they are ok. hth x :hug:
top tip for your stitches, put tea tree oil in the bath and try getting some bubble bath with tea tree and lavender in it, original source do one and mine healed in no time, i had some grosse clots and i mean grosse, they only lasted a week at the most and werent all the time
When breastfeeding, if she closes her mouth tight shut and won't take my nipple, does it mean she's had enough?? porbably not..try tickeling her cheek foot rubbing her back.. sit her up burp ehr if she doesnt wake up to make more after that then she might have had enough.. there is no specific time that a baby will feed for..could be 15 mins could be 2 hrs..

also, she has a rash on her chin from feeding... what can i use? either leave it or put some breast milk on it.. what is the rash like is it white spots? if so they are normal.. babys are supposed to use their chins to massage th milk up the breast.. so dont worry..

when bathing her, i clean her all over with cotton wool and water first, then hold her over the bath and wet her hair and scalp.. then hold her body in and swill water over her... is that all i need to do??[size]
yep sounds it..i dont bother with the whole hold your baby in a towel crap n wash their hair.. i just get the bath ready get al to get him naked and put him in the bath.. wash his hair etc.. all his body is under the water.. he only crys when i bring him out coaz the air is obviously cooler than the water

one more thing sorry.... well, 2...

im worried about having a bath with my stitches cos im scared getting in and out is going make my whole foo split in case i stretch too much :oops: :rotfl: :rotfl:
what a pile of turd.. u dont have time to bath once a day nevermind twice.. do what u want kimmi.. as long as its clean.. also in the water with lavender.. try a little table salt in there to

And also is it normal to lose blood clots?yep.. but not much bigger than a 50p i lost one with a bit of placenta on it.. was gross..but mw said keep eye..

hope that helps xx
thanks everyone only just had time to reply...

ive overcome my fear of the bath! lol poured loads of salt in it and doesnt hurt.
ive been having 2 baths a day and a shower aswell.

rash has gone.. feedings better, and midwife said the clots are fine.

thanks again :D
pfft so i enlarged all that quote for you.. hummff! lol.. p.s how'd u get the pf-o-holic thing b y ur name.. im jealous! :shakehead:
lisa&alex said:
pfft so i enlarged all that quote for you.. hummff! lol.. p.s how'd u get the pf-o-holic thing b y ur name.. im jealous! :shakehead:

urchin did it for me while i was in hospital because i was still posting on the forum while i was on my death bed lol

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