A bit nervous...*update...*


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
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Tomorrow I have to go down to the hospital for my glucose tolerance test, as they suspect I have gestational diabetes as there's been increasing amounts of glucose in my wee ... :pray: hoping that it's just all the choc I'm eating showing up easily :pray:

I'm a bit nervous, I dunno why. I quite like the idea of sitting there reading a book for 2 hours but I don't like the idea of having to fast from 11pm onwards tonight (I just had spag hoops on toast and 2 choc hobnobs :rotfl: ) and then only drinking plain water tomorrow and then getting there and having to drink sugary drinks :wall: :wall: I'll get so hyper I'll tell you that now :rotfl:

Bah, at least it's only a couple of hours, could be worse, could be all day or even overnight, so I should be thankful it's just the morning...
Good luck with it tomorrow, hope you don't get too hyper :D

Let us know how you get on!
First thing's first, only TWO chocolate hobnobs? Wow I wish I had your willpower, I could eat a whole packet (in one sitting) easy peasy :shhh:

Anyway, more importantly, good luck for tomorrow hun. I'm sure all will be fine and it's good you're being looked after so well.

There's your excuse for a big ol' takeaway tomorrow night. Having to go without for a few hours takes it toll on a poor pregnant body :wink:

Good luck hun, fingers crossed it's just all the sugary treats tainting your wee.
Hope you get a good night's sleep and zzzzzz through most of the fasting time!
All the best,
Sarah x
Good luck, im sure it'll be fine! I have to have 1 aswell but its not for ages, hope it goes quickly for you tomorrow!! x
Good luck for tomorrow. Let me know how it goes - I have to have one in 3 weeks.
Try not to be nervous hon, I hope it all goes well for you, what book you planning on taking :D

Hey, good luck for tomorrow, iv just started reading the time travellers wife and its soo confusing so maybe pop into whsmith on the way if you want something TRUELY distracting :)
Otherwise just good luck :hug:
Good luck.

I've got to have a glucose challenge at the beginning of June and I haven'y been given any instructions about fasting.

Is what I'm having the same as what your having?
Good Luck today hun :hug:

I had mine at 29 weeks and those 2 hours went so quick! you'll be fine. The drink is yummy too :)
Hey thanks everyone, it went fine, I just sat and read a book for 2 hours and hardly noticed the time going...book was by lisa jewell called 31 jewell street, I'm halfway through it now :lol: I'm a fast reader :cheer: I didn't get bored, just slightly hyper from the sugary drink but now I feel really sleepy :sleep:

bunnymom, they should give you instructions but basically I had to fast from 11pm the night before and only drink plain still water, I just turned up and had first blood test, drank an orangey syrupy kinda sugary drink then sat for 2 hours and had 2nd blood test then that was it!

Now gotta wait for results should be in tomorrow fingers crossed :pray: hopefully all is well :pray:

Thanks all :hug:
Glad it went quickly :D Hope the results come back negative for you :)
bugger the fasting !! im so forgetful, always have a cup of tea made n half way to my mouth before i click NAUGHTY !!!
Glad everything went well. I am reading that book too. Quite enjoying it!!!

Hope you get the results you want :hug:
Glad the test went well. Thanks for posting this as I have a glucose test myself at the beginning of May and at least now I know what to expect.

Hope your results come back ok tomorrow :hug:

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