9 cycles & 6 months... aged 35


Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2017
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... Hello :)

For various reasons I haven't been able to tell anyone we are ttc so feeling like I need some people to talk to / vent etc so I hope I'm in the right place.

We have been trying since July, I turned 35 in Oct. Started out as "lets just see" and now its ruling my life.

I have been to see a GP last month and she said I didn't need to seek help until a year from now, even tho I'm now 35 + 2 month. Have others found the some chilled out response from their GP?

Thanks for listening

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Hi im also feeling the need to talk to people in similar situations as for my own reasons too i dont wish to discuss it with anyone. So vent away :-).
Sorry I cant offer any advice on the GP situation but I feel your frustration and it can rule your life!
I have heard however from some friends that in general a couple are usually required to be trying for a year or so before they are referred for fertility testing etc. I think the statistics are higher (like 80%) after TTC from 9/10 months so maybe thats why your GP seems laid back in that they want to give it more time.
Sorry if not much help,hoping you conveive soon xx
Another one in the 'not sharing with others' club for various reasons so feel free to share!!

I was always under the impression it's 12 months of TTC if you're under 35, 6 months if you're over? I would go back if it was me as I'm sure that's what the NHS website says. I think there's a lot of variation in attitude from GPs going by the forums. I was very lucky when I went to see mine earlier in the month as she was happy to do more tests on me as I'm already being treated for high prolactin.

Totally get that what started as a 'we'll just let nature take its course' approach has now taken over my life!!
I'm also not telling anyone. I basically didn't want it to be a big deal and didn't want people to be asked every 5 minutes if we are expecting yet... it's bad enough already since we got married it's always "ur next" and I'm like "it's a food baby"
Hey ladies,

thanks so much for your comments its nice to reach out and not feel alone.

I divorced 6 months ago after having been separated for 2 years & 9 years married. My family still aren't over it and although I'm with the loveliest guy on the planet and so happy I can just imagine their reaction, I'm sure they'd be over the moon if I told the I was preggers tho - families eh?

Anyway.. I'm now on the 2WW so fingers crossed (again) I went out & bought #20 of craft supplies to distract myself this week - I'm on leave from work so even hard this time!!

Love to you all x
Good luck jezby. I met my DH mere days after a break up from my then longest relationship. I didn't tell anyone because I didn't want them to think it was a rebound... but now years later we are married and so soo happy. Sending you positivity
I'm over 35 too and not keen on telling anyone I'm tcc. Before I started trying the doctors and nurses seemed very concerned about my age but now that I am trying they keep telling me it's fine. The NHS web site seems to give lots of different info about age, in some areas says to wait 6 month before seeing a doctor others 12. I am not having regular periods and my doctor tried to refer me to a clinic but they've refused too see me until it's been 12months.if you are concerned and you are starting too stress id say go to your doctor and see if they can at least start doing blood tests. Good luck and try and stay positive.
35 is still so young..... I'm 42 and tycoon but can't tell people as they'd think I'm nuts! The consultant who did my sterilisation reversal said the average age of the pregnant mums they were dealing with was 46 so in theory that gives us all hope x
It's good hear I'm not alone... its such a rollercoaster. I just posted in the other forum as I got super excited this morning, thought i had a faint BFP but I think its an evap line... its a weird smudge. And gone now if I look at the test.

My own stupid fault for testing 8 DPO!


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