

Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2005
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Any one been watching the documentaries on bbc1?

its so heart breaking how many lives were lost. its never really hit me before untill watching it all on tv.

fathers, husbands, mums, wives, preg women, babies, children.
so many poor lives taken :cry:
Yeah I watched it last night until it went off for the news. Hate it when they do that :evil:

And I watched one on channel 4 on Wed night.

It really makes me feel sick in the pit of my stomach when I watch things about it.

Only thing that bothers me is we never seem to hear about the hundreds of poor people who were actually on the plane that crashed into the twin towers and we never hear about the heros who brought one of the planes down in a field and probably saved hundreds of lives. It was heading for the White House. :(
BubbleOne said:
Only thing that bothers me is we never seem to hear about the hundreds of poor people who were actually on the plane that crashed into the twin towers and we never hear about the heros who brought one of the planes down in a field and probably saved hundreds of lives. It was heading for the White House. :(

i no i cant imagin what was going through the heads of the people on the plane. and the heros that stood their grounds and didnt let the plane go into the white house.

its all so heart breaking i sat there last night and imagined being stuck in the top of the tower only way out is jump and making my last call home talking to kris and the babies. it was awfull i couldnt bare to imagin it, never mind go through it..

did you see the man last night on the programe that saved loads of people but his life was taken. :(

and all the bodies jumping from the building.
I cried all day on the day it happened. I remember my neighbour coming round to see if I was alright and us both crying and crying. So sad to watch now, but you kinda feel you have to so that you will always remember those poor people. :cry:
Peanut said:
I cried all day on the day it happened. I remember my neighbour coming round to see if I was alright and us both crying and crying. So sad to watch now, but you kinda feel you have to so that you will always remember those poor people. :cry:

i was only young? 16! i was in collage and didnt have a clue what the twin towers were
BubbleOne said:
Yeah I watched it last night until it went off for the news. Hate it when they do that :evil:

And I watched one on channel 4 on Wed night.

It really makes me feel sick in the pit of my stomach when I watch things about it.

Only thing that bothers me is we never seem to hear about the hundreds of poor people who were actually on the plane that crashed into the twin towers and we never hear about the heros who brought one of the planes down in a field and probably saved hundreds of lives. It was heading for the White House. :(

Yes we do hear about them. there is 2 films based on the people in the planes and there heroic efforts that stopped the plane hitting the camp.
cassi said:
BubbleOne said:
Yeah I watched it last night until it went off for the news. Hate it when they do that :evil:

And I watched one on channel 4 on Wed night.

It really makes me feel sick in the pit of my stomach when I watch things about it.

Only thing that bothers me is we never seem to hear about the hundreds of poor people who were actually on the plane that crashed into the twin towers and we never hear about the heros who brought one of the planes down in a field and probably saved hundreds of lives. It was heading for the White House. :(

Yes we do hear about them. there is 2 films based on the people in the planes and there heroic efforts that stopped the plane hitting the camp.

what are the film called? are they out now?
I remember it happening. I watched the second plane hit live, it was deverstating :(
We were in New York last week and saw the WTC area. TBH there is not much to see, just a big space where the towers were and a memorial wall. I think there is something more in the church in front but we didn't have the time to go in. Even though there wasn't much there you can still feel immense sadness when you are there. It didn't feel right to take pictures although other people were.

I heard about it on the radio and then turned the tv and couldn't stop crying (I am very emotional). I actually contacted my husband and he came home (I was having all kind of weird thoughts WW3 etc) and lots of people I know in Toronto were sent home.

One thing I was looking at the other day was September 11th videos on YouTube. Someone has posted ABC, CBS, CNN footage from the actual day and it is quite surreal watching and seeing the thinking on the day.

One thing we must remember is that although lots of lives were lost it could have been a lot more. Imagine if the 4th plane had gone towards it's intended target or if the towers had fallen sideways.
I saw a clip of the film "Twin Towers" with Nicholas Cage. I just think its bad taste to make a Hollywood movie about 9/11 so soon and the fact they are donating 10% to charity is just wrong, they will make millions friom this film :evil:
i think it is all terribly sad. the fact that those people who do these things actually believe that they are going to be rewarded for doing it when they die. i cant believe it. meanwhile the instigators are sitting on their a**ses recruiting these guilable people.

I cant imagine the terror that those people experienced on the planes. and imagine trying to get down the stairs in the towers.

when i went to america in 1980 we went up to near the top in one of the towers and believe me it is bloody high.

god rest in peace to all the victims.
babsi said:
I think there is something more in the church in front but we didn't have the time to go in.
I went into the church - it is lovely...it's where all the firemen and rescue and then clearance people lived for weeks after the disaster...it's a really moving place. Me and DH spent ages in there.
I was flying home from Magaluf the day it happened (Was in the air!) :shock: . when I landed and was collecting my luggage, mum foned in tears shouting down the phone i am so glad u r ok! I wondered what the hell was going on :?

It's still upsetting now when u think about it! :cry:
What films are they Cassi? I always think about the poor people on the planes :(

Dionne- That man who saved loads of people and then died was a real hero.

Think there's something on Sky News tonight (8pm-10pm)

I just can't imagine how those people in the towers felt. :(
My dad is the Station Officer of our town's Fire Station and he is really into 9/11.

343 Firefighters died through that tragedy, it really saddens me as I think of all those children that lost their daddies through them rescuing all the victims.

I think its amazing how the emergency services put their lives at risk and are willing to die to save others, im proud of my dad for that.
there were nurseys in the twin towers too :cry:

i cant even imagin. me being on the lower floors knowing my child was up there but the fire was to big to get past.

its turning my stomach thinking of it.

how can such nasty humans be born into this world. to do the things they do!
omg was there?

One of the films was in the cinema untill not long ago, i think it was just called farenheit 9/11 and there is another one called 9/11 at blockbuster both on the same thing (the plane that they stopped hitting the base)

I was trying so hard not to cry in the cinema, the end is really hitting too.
fahrenheit 9/11 was more how the Bush administration dealt with the aftermath of 9/11

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