8 weeks and bleading


New Member
Jan 5, 2012
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Im the husband and my wife is 8 weeks and 6 days pregnant !!! YAY

BUT (yes there is one already)
There had been spotting so 6 days ago i called the out-of-hours doctors and they arranged for an EPU appointment. This spotting has been worrying my wife and me. im trying to be posotive and my wife is a realist.

we had the scan today and its healthy but there is still spotting. Its not bright red but a little brown but not quite (if you know what i mean). My wife has mentioned to me that she "itches" down there and says she might have thrush.

Could this be causing the bleading?

My wife wears pads but nothing is making it ont them, its only when she wipes that these "spots" can be seen.

Thanks for you advice in advance.

Firstly congratulations

Lots of ladies have spotting and unless it's red, heavier and with pain, I'd relax.
Tell her to get something from gp for her thrush (again quite common in pregnancy) as thrush can be a right pain in the, well yknow xx
Spotting can be normal in the early weeks, at 8 weeks it,s around the time she,dmiss her second period, and some women have spotting at that time. Brown blood is old blood so isn't anything to worry about, only if it,s bright red and she,s having pains you should worry, but even then it doesn't mean the worse. The itching is probably thrush, not sure if that causes spotting. Xx
Sorry to be tmi but I can suffer bad thrush and it itches like mad and it bleeds, mainly cos I scratch it a lot! Often with the toilet paper when weeing so I see blood. The other girls know about spotting with pregnancy but with thrush tell her to have some cranberry juice and a warm bath, it really helps me. Massive TMI and gross but if its bad I would have a warm bath, no strong perfumed smellies and just relax the wee muscle, cos thrush makes you want to wee, but nothing barely comes out and it hurts. Gross I know but it reaaaaaally helps me then I can just shower after, and its not a lot of wee at all lol

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