8 week jabs :(


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2010
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My poor poor baby :(

Omg did he cry :cry: had real tears streaming down his face.

I bf him whilst he had them done. First one was ok, he let out a little yelp and carried on feeding. The second one was horrid. She did it and he must've held his breath for what felt like a minute but in reality was probably 10 seconds. He tried to carry on feeding but he couldn't cos he was crying so much and tears rolled down his chubby cheeks.

I felt ok about them until then :cry:

Really not lookin forward to his next ones in 4 weeks now. Just wanna wrap him up in cotton wool now :(
Awww hun, it's horrible isn't it. Chloe reacted quite badly to her second lot of jabs, it broke my heart to see.

I hope he's feeling better soon poor thing.
Awww... Poor Henry... :-(. Emily hated hers last week and was grumpy for the rest of the day. Also dreading the next two lots... :-(
If it makes you feel any better harrison was the same at his first lot but I think he enjoyed the second lot!! He let out a small yelp but giggled all the way thru!!
Well he is smiley and happy now so he is back to his normal self. Glad he hasn't made me feel bad all day! Lol! Jen he smiled at me I knew he forgave me lol!
I hated getting all Oz's jabs done. THe first lot I went on my own and after that made OH go with me, got him to hold LO then I gave the cuddles after lol

Hope that LO is.

BTW I can't believe that your LO is 8 weeks old already :shock: I can't believe that in less (hopefully) than 8 weeks I will have 2 children :shock:

Scared lol xxxx
Aww we had our 2nd lot today too the one of them was definitely more stingy than the other and next time it's 3 at once how mean.
Oh no poor baby
kayla has hers tmrw i didnt even realise it was 3 thought it was just the 1
yeah they have 2 each time for 3 times right?
How's Henry feeling now? has he been ok this evening?
He has been quite grumpy this evening but just settling him for bed now. He was majorly tired but has stopped sleepig during the day unless we r in the car or out in the pushchair. Little pickle!

Did have a walk afterwards but he didn't wanna sleep then.

Just waiting for him to spit me out so I can put him in his basket and go for a wee! Lol may have to invest in tena ladies for feeding times! Lol!
lol i know the feeling. almost crapped myself once, literally cos Alyssa was feeding and i suddenly needed to go! its hard to unlatch a baby and run upstairs
Awww poor Henry :-( not looking forward to the jabs at all!! Hope you're not too traumatised honey xxx
She specifically said for his next lot he's having 2 in one leg and one in the other poor thing. Maybe it's just some extra jab for essex people against all our extra bugs.

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