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7 weeks with some questions...


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2007
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Hi ladies...I just found out yesterday that we r 7 weeks pregnant!! :dance:
I just have some questions that maybe some of u can ease my mind with ur advise. I have some cramping....nothing as strong as AF....it comes and goes and is pretty light but Im still a lil nervous. This is our first baby so i dont really know what to expect. and my moods...well to say the least, r very unpredictable.... :doh: . My poor,poor fiance`....lol. Any advise on what to expect and how to deal with stress and bad mood swings?? :twisted:
Hi, Congraulations on your bfp!

I have also just found out i'm pg (with my 1st).
I have also been experiencing "period pain"s, I think this is normal as i googled and it mentioned something about the uterus stretching. :D
Glad to see i'm not the only one! Hope that helps. xx
I had thise pains until about 9 weeks as you say only faint and on and off - its normal hun don't panic :hug: also, I spent quite a moody first tri testing my DF's patience :wink: I think it was mainly because I was soooooooo tired :sleep:

It'll be worth it though hun, make sure you let you DF know to expect you to be tired and grumpy for a bit :hug: :hug: :hug: he'll understand.

Congrats on your bfp - wishing you a happy & healthy pg :cheer:
Thank you so much. What other symptoms did u have? I have mild symptoms and feel like they should be stronger....is that true? Congrats to everyone they just got their BFP and to those expecting their first as well!!!! :clap:
hi hun and congrats. i also had the cramping pains like you. i had mild sickness until 9 weeks and its been quite bad since then, but this is my 3rd pregnancy and the 1st time i have had sickness. dont worry about whether u have got symptoms or not its different for everyone. i also had quite bad tension headaches which is hard cus u cant take any piankillers :roll: a heightened sense of smell is the thing i notice the most tho sometimes i smell sumthin i normally love (chip shop chips) and i feel really sick!!! hope everthin goes ok hun and welcome to the forum. xxxxxxxxxx
Thank you!! I have my first ultra sound next week on Thursday!! cant wait to c my baby for the first time!! :dance: One more question...when u say u have ur first scan...is that an ultra sound or somthing different?
Hi, i am 7 weeks pregnant tomorrow. Suffering badly with sickness, lasting all day! Took last Thurs / Fri off work to catch up with some college work (stupidly doing a part time degree course0 and spent the whole time in bed, sleeping and trying to not be sick!! The joys!
Rolled into work this morning, apparently looking like death.
Had many symptoms such as cramps, wind, headeaches, bad backache, sickness, bloating etc etc. Also quit smoking the day i found out i was expecting, but now i cannot stand the smell and it make me wanna be sick if i go to the pub.

Im just starting my 8th week. I didn't know until my hubby told me that i have been very hard to live with my moods up and down. Dam Hormones!!!! :evil:

As for the tummy cramps..... Im getting them to. They feel like bad period pains. When I first went to the doctor he told me it was the hormones lining the womb and preparing for the changes that will be taking place. I must admit no one told me about these pains!

Any morning sickness or food that you have gone off? :)
I too have had these pains and was worried about them as none of the books and mags that I have read have said anything about these but called the midwife and she told me it was very normal in the first weeks after you get a positive test as your uterus is growing.

If it is so normal why can't the mags mention them (all that worrying for nothing). :wall:

Congratulations hun and welcome to the first trimester :hug:
morning sickness - doing even go there!!! Its bad enough during the week, trying to hold down a full time job when feeling ill, but every weekend, my sickness seems to be worse!!
Not able to keep anything down at the moment, currently living off milk and plain crisps!!!! Any help would be grateful

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