6 yr old boy


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2005
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reading dionnes thread about her seeing stabbng reminded me about something that happened in colchester on sunday!
a lil boy of 6 was playing footy (in the council house area will be relevant soon) in his back garden wen the ball went over a wall into a walk way behind there house, the wall wasnt tiny but wasnt big either, so he climbed over it to get his ball bak but wen he got there the wall collapsed and he died! a 6 yr old boys life gone coz the council wall was crap also one of the porches nr a house near this childs house collapsed 2 weeks ago but no one was hurt
why do they not make council house or all house safe our council is now looking into all council houses in colchester but surely this is to late
The council get away with making cheap gouses with crap materials. My house is only 2 years old and already I have damp in the bathroom and I had to call someone out to see the boiler when the house was first built, because we had no heating. The boiler guy said a monkey must have fitted it because it was wired up all wrong. Their all pains in the bums.
i live in a council house and we neeed some plastering done. (jon is a plasterer)but we decided to get them in to do it. what a bodge job. jon had to knock it all out and re do it
Oh they really annoy me!!!

We bought an Ex council house it's lovely really big with 3 gardens to look at it it is perfect
a couple of year ago the radiator im Emilys room leaked and all the plaster in the living room had to be replaced, this was fine not a problem at all.
Until about 3 month after it was done i noticed a crack in the alcove wall so told Oh his bro was useless and it needed doing again!!!!! Oh no it didn't it turned out we had subsisdence and this crack opened, ran up to the ceinling and when i checked went right up in to Emily's room but we hadnt noticed because she has fitted ward robes.

I was going spare, so called insurance company and the sent someone to look and moniter these cracks over 12 months!!! to see if got worse and yep they did.

The cause of all this???? Bloody council planting trees too close to the houses they had built, so of course the roots have snaked under the house and draing all the moisture out of the soil. :wall:

The out come of this was i had to have Living and dining room completly gutted and mine and emil'y bedroom too.

Em had to sleep at my mums for 6 week!!!!!

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