6 Weeks Preggers - Sore boobs, Nausea but no pulling in tum?


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2005
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Hi Girls,

I am now six weeks pregnant (or so I assume - had BFP two weeks ago). I have sore, heavy boobs; feel nauseus for most of the day and I am knackered BUT unlike like my last pregnancy, do not seem to have that strange feeling in my lower belly (womb). During my first pregnancy I had like a tugging sensation but it is not there now. My stomach is not swollen like it was before either!

Am I panicing for no reason?? i am such a stress head!!

Julia xxxxx
PS - Also have terrible wind (from south end) :shock: :shock:
Hey Julia, I wouldn't worry about it, every pregnancy is different. I didn't get any sort of pain until around 7-8 weeks. But if you are really concerned phone nhs direct, their really good and can put your mind at ease. Hope this helps, take care :hug:
Thanks Lauran,

I know I am just being silly (or I hope I am!). Thinking back to this afternoon, I sneezed, and felt discomfort on both sides of womb as if it is slightly stretched. I always think the worst...Can't wait for 12 week scan!!!

Saw Midwife today and everything went well - I have not had a professional do a pregnancy test this time around - for all they know, I could be some sort of nutter making it all up and wasting their time!

Hope you are well, lovely, and have had a nice Easter!

Julia xxxxxx
Hi hun, I wouldn't worry about it! I thought the same in the early weeks of this one as I felt quite different to my first pregnancy....I instantly FELT pregnant then and got a heavy tummy straight away. This time I didn't get anything till about 6 weeks then it was nausea and strong smell! Been quite different to my first pregnancy in a few ways, so just remember this one is new! x
Thanks Lisa,

I suffered a miscarriage with my very first pregnancy (since had a little girl who is the light of my life and nearly two). Now I am pregnant again, I am terrified of loosing it!

I welcome all the symptoms I have because apparently the more symptoms, the brighter the pregnancy looks (myth? I don't know!)

Like you said, every pregnancy is different! Also, I believe strongly in "what will be , will be"...

Thanks for your reassurance - it is soooo good to hear other people's experiences! What would I do without this website??

Julia xxxxxx
Hi Julia!

First of all, congrats on your BFP!!

I am just guessing here, but maybe the reason you don't feel the pulling is because this is not your first pregnancy, and your uterus has already done some stretching in past pregnancy.

Anyway, wishing you a happy and healthy 8 months!! :hug:
i don't have any pulling, just kind of a sublte stitch like feeling in my left... but seems a way away from my cervix

just sore nipples occasionally. I think i did right at the start 2-3 weeks... felt like cramping and stretching, but nothing now.

All the best!
Hi Julia, I don't have any pulling either but am just presuming it is because this is my second pregnancy. I wouldn't worry hun, I am sure everything is fine as you have other symptoms.

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