Firstly, should I be worrying about sleep and routines at all at this stage?
Reason being, my baby REALLY fights sleep. First two weeks were amazing, she'd go in her crib and doze off to Ewan the Sheep with no problems and sleep for three to four hour stretches, even at night.
However, she woke up. Now she just refuses to sleep in her crib. During the day she will nap, but on me, as soon as I put her in her crib she either wakes immediately or at best within half an hour. From 6pm, she refuses sleep point blank (not even on me) until she completely wears herself out from being overtired and finally conks out at around 21:30-22:30 - thankfully she then sleeps the whole night through from sheer exhaustion.
During the day, between feeds and the pathetic 'naps' she pretty much cries all the time. To be honest i'm feeling completely worn down as I usually end up feeding her (I BF) as I don't know what else to offer her to keep her calm.
I suffered with PND with my son and thought I had swerved it thus far but i'm starting to reach the end of my tether. I think the only thing that gets me through it is the fact that she sleeps at night.
I love her to pieces but my goodness I just wanted her settled and to self settle to sleep - or to respond to ANY sleeping aid. She's swaddled, rocked, white noised, lullabies - nothing is working
Reason being, my baby REALLY fights sleep. First two weeks were amazing, she'd go in her crib and doze off to Ewan the Sheep with no problems and sleep for three to four hour stretches, even at night.
However, she woke up. Now she just refuses to sleep in her crib. During the day she will nap, but on me, as soon as I put her in her crib she either wakes immediately or at best within half an hour. From 6pm, she refuses sleep point blank (not even on me) until she completely wears herself out from being overtired and finally conks out at around 21:30-22:30 - thankfully she then sleeps the whole night through from sheer exhaustion.
During the day, between feeds and the pathetic 'naps' she pretty much cries all the time. To be honest i'm feeling completely worn down as I usually end up feeding her (I BF) as I don't know what else to offer her to keep her calm.
I suffered with PND with my son and thought I had swerved it thus far but i'm starting to reach the end of my tether. I think the only thing that gets me through it is the fact that she sleeps at night.
I love her to pieces but my goodness I just wanted her settled and to self settle to sleep - or to respond to ANY sleeping aid. She's swaddled, rocked, white noised, lullabies - nothing is working

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