6 week check


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2011
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Hi, so, I went for my 6 week check at the hospital on Tues. I'd had an awful night the night before as Isaac has a bit if reflux & hadn't slept. Getting ready was also a nightmare as he was so grumpy & didn't want to be put down & I was on my own with him. Anyway, we managed to leave on time & then had to get a bus to the train station& a train to the hospital with the pram- first time I've done this on my own. Got to the hospital on time & sat in waiting room for an hour, Isaac woke up & wanted feeding & there was nowhere private to go so just had to get my boob out in a busy waiting room, while I was doing this I was called in & told I'd have to rearrange my appointment as their system was down & they don't have notes. I explained that it had been quite a struggle to get there but they said there's nothing they can do & sent me away. I was so upset & angry, I had to fight back the tears all they way home! The journey home was horrible as Isaac started screaming on the train & carried on all the way home & it was packed so had to stand & hold him & was feeling so tired & rough. Got home & cried my eyes out! Id also wanted to talk to them about a few things im worried about. Anyway, today I got a letter with a new appointment, they had said it would be next week but it's not until 10th April, he'll be almost 10 weeks then. Do you think I should complain & try & get a different appointment? Sorry for the rant, I'm just so annoyed with them!
Cant you book an appointment at your doctors for it thats where I had mine or just book an appointment to discuss your concerns?

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I can't have the 6 week check at my docs apparently as they dont do antenatal& postnatal care. I can go with my concerns, I'd just have to book separate appointments for him & I which is a bit of a faff & wanted to do it all at once. But, yes I might have to, just annoying.
If you have concerns I would speak to someone you might be able to book two appointments close together so you only have to go once. Could your hv help with any of it maybe?

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Did not want to read and run, sounds horrible time. Could you HV help at all?
Sounds like you had a horrible time. As the other ladies have said, maybe your HV could help with some of your questions? Does seem a long time to wait for anew appt - maybe you could call them with your concern and see if they can fit you in sooner.
Here, the 6 week check is just for me and baby has a check at 8 weeks, but I've not received the appointment date yet.
My doctors don't do them until 8 week and said its normally 8- 10 week so you should be ok but its out of order what they have done when they know you have a new baby and its so far away from your house. can you call the NHS who sort appointments out? i called them to ask why i had an appointment for my old doctor and she was lovely when i said it was two buses away and said 'no we cant be having that' and sorted it so im going to my local doctors tomorrow... it says on the letter its from the child health services maybe find the number for your area as my number is only for Dewsbury. Also i would write in an email explaining the journey it takes from your house to there with a newborn and say how unhappy you are - they should apologise at least! If you dont write in nothing is investigated if you do they look into why the mistake was made and try prevent it in future x

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